I know this may be a digression, but I’m going to ask it anyway.
First, does the EDU robot controller have autonomous mode? Second, if so, is it programmed the same way as the FRC controller? Third, how/where do you set the EDU controller to autonomous mode?
Thanks for your help.
there is no switch on the OI system and no competition port on the EDU bot - for auton mode
but any code you put in the EDU will run whether there is a radio receiver with PWMs hooked up or not
you could put a switch on the EDU digital inputs to control between auton mode and normal mode
or you could modify your auto code so it always runs. (modify the IF auton… and the while auton… statements so they are always true.
Early on, I made auto programs based on loops in Default_Routine(). Mind you, these were like my first 5. But it worked ok, and taught my some basic timed autonomous stuff (Like put higher times before lower ones in a if-else if-else)