EDU systems wanted...

Hi all,

In July, I am going to be teaching a week long class in Taiwan on how to use the EDU Robotics kit to teach engineering. I need to acquire 8 kits. I am trying to save the host college in Taiwan as much money as I can.

From the IFI site (See this link for EDU Robitics Price list)]( , the kits that FIRST gave out are worth $895 new, retail.

Are there any teams that are willing to part with their kits at a discount? If they are going to be gathering dust, I can put them to good use while I put money back in your team’s pocket.

If your team is interested, Private Message me with a cost and a status as far as what your state your kit is in (new, slightly used, well worn, etc.). Please include what parts, if any, are gone, broke or missing.

Thanks in advance.

Joe J.