Hello everyone ,
I wanted to ask what was the most simple and efficient mechanism you have seen, designed to solely pick a gear from the floor and place it on the peg?
Hello everyone ,
I wanted to ask what was the most simple and efficient mechanism you have seen, designed to solely pick a gear from the floor and place it on the peg?
Most simple? A bottom plate with a roller above it, then pivot that 90°. Issue with that is, if done wrong then it will get caught on the carpet and you will most likely break something.
By far 2200. Just a shaft with compliance wheels along it, and some strategically placed Lexan.
Our team’s is pretty simple. Just 2 powered wheels that are spaced out so they mesh with the gear. This is on an arm that rotates 90 degrees. You can see the first design of it here, at the very end of the video:
This is our gear mechanism. The gear holder swings down 90° and we can scoop them off the floor. It works fairly well and we were getting heard only from the floor our entire last event. We are working to possibly make it active. The angle stock on the back is so we can get it from the chute as well.
These types of devices are drawing a lot of fouls during matches. The spatula design often violates the gear herding rule so be warned.
Gear herding rule? Do you mean controlling 2 gears at once?