Einstein 2012

Wow. we have 4 teams on Einstein now.

Who do YOU want to win?

EDIT: I can’t match an alliance to their division. Help?

Bombsquad/180/25 are who im rooting for.

In reality I think Canada will win.

I think canada is going to take home double gold this year, einstein and simbotics winning cca.

Let’s check out the alliances!

Archimedes: 1114, 2056, 4334
Curie: 233, 987, 207
Galileo: 16, 25, 180
Newton: 118, 2194, 548

I am personally rooting for 16, 25, 180.

1114/2056/4334, otherwise known as The Eh Team, look like they can take it.

I’m rooting for Newton. They’ve shown their strength! Even the Canada alliance will need to watch out for them.

118, 2194, 548

Fondy Fire all the way!

233/987/207 has put up 116, 110, and 100 points without a triple balance. 987 is absolutely on fire in the offensive zone. It’s going to take some incredible play to slow them down.

The Einstein Webcast has not started yet, correct? I’m still seeing the sponsor videos.

Quick Reference:









Go 16, 25, 180 !

When does Einstein start?

Id LOVE to see Arch take home the gold, but i too hope bomb squad’s alliance can make it to finals.
Also, 1114 has been plagued by issues on and off this season… I truly hope they play at their full potential.

Imagine being a first year rookie team and winning CHAMPIONSHIPS.

Rootin’ for the Michigan team.

If 2056 is going to get it’s Championship win, this is the time. However they have to get though a really, really good Curie alliance. That’s going to be close, but I’ll take the solid triple balance of Archimedies.

Newton v. Galileo will be a fun match-up. Not sure who would win that one though, it’s very close.

Who would’ve thought that the 2056/1114 alliance would be the best at triple balancing going in to Einstein?

I didn’t think they could do it, let alone pull it off quickly and consistently.

I’m interested in seeing 16’s defence against Newton before predicting who’s going to win. I would like Team Canada to win though.

It should start at 5.

Go Pink Metal Rollers!!!

Lost audio on feed. :frowning:

And the audio returns!

Will 1114/2056 keep there streak of winning together? They have won at every event they have been aligned together at right?