Election 2008

Since many of you seem interested in this thread topic, here is a place to post.

I was not aware that we are allowed to post or have political threads. Or rather government politics.
Is this a valid thread?

Sure…its in Chit-Chat

So the ban on politics only affects signatures?

Who said you can’t have politics in your signature? I have seen several that have addressed such in their signature and many of them have had them that way for a while now.

“All rules detailed here apply to signatures, as well. Signatures should not be larger than 200px tall (all images, text, etc.). For reference, this is 200px. Due to abuse and a large amount of complaints, politically oriented content should not be placed in your signature. The ChiefDelphi.com administrators may edit your signature at any time, without warning or notification, to remove any content which breaks these rules.”

Directly from the rules page.

I just thought that this may also apply to threads and post.

It depends if it applies to FIRST i guess. In either case, there’s the thread you should’ve searched for.

I didn’t search for a certain thread, and the thread you pointed to has the last post by Molten pointing here.

As I said, the rule only applies to siggy’s, can we end this discussion?

Sure, i wasn’t trying to have a discussion or get into it at all, just pointing out similar threads. (btw i hadn’t read the last post of the other thread before linking it here, sorry) Like I said, just trying to point you to similar threads.

No problem, I didn’t mean anything by it; my doctor and teachers used to say I have to work on my people skills.:smiley:

Either way, this thread has the potential to become a very slippery slope. Discussing politicians as they pertain to FIRST (see other thread) is quite different from discussing politics in general. If you do decide to post something in this thread, be very careful and professional about it. Much like religion, people’s political views tend to be rather personal, and they can get touchy about it. I’ve seen similar threads, with innocent enough beginnings, get quickly shut down by the Mods, usually with the disclaimer that there are plenty of sites on the Internet to discuss politics.

Yeah… I don’t post my political beliefs online anymore because people just tear at my extremely liberal views and I often get annoyed by the amount of lying done by people in the political arena. x.x

Exactly right. Do a search for “politics” or “political”. A fair number of the threads that turn up are locked. Most of those would be due to the topic getting out of control.

Remember, the CD mods can delete/close a thread whenever it isn’t robotics related, according to the rules. They choose not to use that power most of the time. The times they do use it, it’s typically because a flame war started or the topic was otherwise off-limits. Usually, mature discussion is not closed; immature discussion often is.

The whole reason that I chose to start this thread was because the thread that you posted above was getting side tracked on politics not related to that threads topic. My solution was to make this thread so that if people want to, they can talk about politics in a more general fashion. I, for one, will not be posting my political views. I just got tired of people getting side-tracked on the other thread.

Side-note to the mods: If you want to delete this thread, feel free. I really don’t mind. Please just try to keep such a discussion from showing up in other threads, so this type of thread is not needed. Thanks You.

P.S. Am I the only one that notices political signatures? They are out there.