We are currently having issues using CAN spark max motor controllers. We are using the REV hardware client to identify the motors and its returning three different motors under one controller from different swerve modules. What would be the best way to trouble shoot this problem? Thank you.
Can you send a screenshot of the problem?
Check if they all have the same CAN id on rev hardware, that may fix it.
I would unplug them from CAN and using the USB C connection check their IDs individually.
We had a similar problem when setting up our SparkMax Controllers. We were able to solve this by disconnecting the CanBus wires and setting each motor controllers ID one at a time.
We just plugged into the usb c of each controller with the robot powered off, so we could configure each controller without the can network being a problem. We didn’t have to disconnect anything, we just didn’t turn the robot on. This allows the motor controller to be powered by the usb c cable for setup. It’s a little bit tedious, but so is everything when you have 8 motor controllers.
This is an issue we are having…time to release the coding and electrical on this!
Plug into each spark max individually via usb c with the robot powered off and assign can id’s.