Does anyone have an electonic or pneumatic safety video that they would like to share? Our team is wanting to encourage more safe practices with in our team and community.
any help?
I don’t think anyone has one. So, why not make one?
Oh, and there’s this little thing about bump posts not being allowed. (Yes, I do realize you waited some days between posts.)
What EricH says is a really good idea. It wouldnt be that hard to make one either. Use it for the saftey video competition at a regional this year. Take a day or two and have everyone on your team help produce the movie. It could be a lot of fun!
No videos anywhere per-say designed specifically for FIRST I can find right this second, but look up any society for “Fluid Power” for Pneumatics, & IEEE for Electrical safety videos & training.
Also, some FIRST specific training materials:
Your pneumatics section of the manual can be yor friend when learning safety & good tips as well.
Here’s a copy of the Pneumatics manual from '06
Same thing with the Electrical Section of the manual.