Hi, my name is Nick and I’m the lead programmer for 6884. We are getting ready to order a bunch of stuff for build season. One item we are currently discussing is elevator mechanisms. Inevitably, there will be some benefit to having an elevator, but we have little experience with them; we are a 3rd year team with few manufacturing resources. Should we buy the Andymark elevator kit, make a custom mechanism, or simply not attempt an elevator at all? Thanks
You should wait until build season to buy such a game specific item…
However, I have heard much better things about the Greyt elevator if once build season comes around and it is an elevator friendly game (Hopefully not though cause I don’t want another elevator game )
If you like the current elevator, you’ll be blown away by the revision coming out next season.
Significant improvements across the board. WCP owned this revision and did a killer job. It sure helps they didn’t design it in a few hours after kickoff
I would be careful with this belief. An elevator is helpful in some games and certainly was in the two that your team has participated in but there is no guarantee that this will be the case next year. This expensive and specific of a purchase should be left until after you have done your analysis if the game.
Thanks everyone for the feedback. After reading your responses, I think our team will decide to wait on ordering an elevator kit, at least until kickoff. If the game does end up requiring an elevator, the Greyt Elevator looks very promising. Thanks again