There has been serious damage to our robot, all of which has been fixed save the crucial piece- the robot controller.
As of now we have been completely incapable of troubleshooting the problem to get the controller to work- we are even in contact with Innovation FIRST to try and fix the problem. Unfortunately, it is a no go.
If any team in the New Jersey has any control system they could lend us, it would not only be appreciated- we will owe you the season.
We are probably going to rush order on of our own to replace it, so worry not about losing permanately your controller.
By the way it sounds either their robot dropped from a very high place like a 10 ft hihg bar or they accidently connected the battery backwards, which would fry the robot controller.
Time is of the essence. Every team in FIRST faces unavoidable situations, and we experienced one at perhaps the most inopportune time. We do know the cause, and we also know that the damage is irreparable. It would be greatly appreciated if any team in the New Jersey region can find a way to lend us a control system.
Im sorry to hear about what happenend…unfortunatly a lot of the teams this year are planning on using their controllers, so you guys might just have to oder a replacement…sorry to hear what happenend…just out of curiousity, what DID happen?
and if i did have an extra one laying around, you know it would be in overnight to you guys
Since it sounds like you need a replacement anyway, why not dive in and place an overnight order with IFI – if you hurry they can probrably get it out today – you will have it first thing in the morning.
Unfortunately we are still using ours, we have a lot of testing to do and we will need it before the competition starts. I feel bad for you guys, we know what its like to fall, we had our gear sheer that holds our boat hook up and we fell 6 feet. We were lucky that nothing major broke. Luckily we had a metal gear to replace the plastic on that sheered.
Good luck to you guys!
OK thankyou everyone for the trying to help us. We are going to change out all of our bad stuff at the reagional. We put a rush order in and are hoping to have it by 9:00 am tomorrow. With the ship date tomorrow borrowing one from another team would take more time then just waiting for the new one to come. We should have a a pic of our robot up today.
It was not a fall. Nor was it a reversed battery connection. Though the controller IS fried and unusable, and compeltely unfixable. Trust me on this fact.
what would happen if you switch the polity on the control board???
our absent minded electronics person swiched the polarity…it took a few on offs with the bat before we relised what happend. it appears to work fine for the most part, but everyonce in a while it seems to be stuck on a program and the new one wont take over. could be the usb to serial though ive heard they are not reliable
Was it swimming in a lake during a freak lightening storm? Assaulted in a dark alleyway by 5 armed men, 3 of which it took down? Or sabotaged by an opposing team?
Anyway, we had our OI fried by a teammate fiddling with pins a few days ago and shipped it to FIRST to get it fixed, so we feel your pain (maybe not to the same mysterious extent). But good luck fixing it.