Employers Favor State Schools for Hires

Interesting article about recruitment.

And this Happiness Index is sort of fun. Who knew there were so many happy Aerospace Engineers?

I see Purdue is in the Top 5 :slight_smile:


That’s interesting because it’s counter the these articles.
Only one public state school in the top 10.
And based on these numbers it would seem that these are the schools to go to for getting hired.

Best Return on Investment Schools:

Highest average salaries:

The number of students employed from a school was one of the factors. There are a lot more graduates from Purdue then MIT each year (8x).

They even said in the article when they want a thinker they look at an Ivy, but most of the people they hire are doers, and for those they go to state schools. Pete’s link bears that out, the thinkers get paid more, but there’s less of them.

How’s that for sweeping generalizations?

I would expect Engineers and Programmers to be the happiest, who gets to create new things at work? Thats some fun stuff

Lake Superior State University, the school I am looking at, is a very small public school that in the past few years has placed 100% of it’s engineers in a job. When I went to visit they told me one of there graduates got a starting Salary of over $70,000. I think it all depends on the school and there relationship with it’s local companies.