encoder help!

so, we are a sophomore team in the pnw district (5920 VIKotics), and we’re trying to use encoders this year instead of time due to accuracy issues we had last year. so i was wondering if anyone had any auto codes i could look at??

thanks in advanced!

we use c++::rtm::

There’s lots of resources out there.

Look for team github repositories:
Big list o’ FRC projects - https://github.com/flamingchickens1540/frc-software-releases
More Codes - https://firstwiki.github.io/wiki/robot-code-directory

WPI screensteps live has lots of example including information on how to interface with the encoders: http://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/4485/m/13810/l/241875-encoders-measuring-rotation-of-a-wheel-or-other-shaft
Also numerous example programs came with the eclipse plugins: https://github.com/wpilibsuite/EclipsePlugins/tree/master/edu.wpi.first.wpilib.plugins.cpp/resources/templates/examples
Take a look at gearsbot, or simpler (not full robot code) examples like Encoder