Encoders for swerve drive

Our team is trying to go from tank drive to swerve drive and are wondering about encoders. We are using the neo swerve drive system and want to know how many encoders we need and also what kind to get. Help please, thanks!

You’ll need absolute encoders. Here are some options that can be used:

REV Through Bore Encoder
Redux Robotics HELIUM Canandmag
ThriftyBot Absolute Magnetic Encoder

The Redux Canandmag you’ll want to use in PWM mode, to easily integrate with a REV Spark Flex/Max.

What particular swerve module are you using?

MK4 Swerve Drive/ Neo Voltex
The motor is the Neo Brushless Motor

I recommend a CanandMag, bc you can plug it into your SparkMax directly and avoid using the CAN bus which will free up your utilization for other things.

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