Does anyone know exactly where to buy and does anyone know exactly how to set each one up.
Thanks a lot.
Does anyone know exactly where to buy and does anyone know exactly how to set each one up.
Thanks a lot.
The sensor strip that came in the Kit of Parts is documented here. You can’t buy more of those, but you might be able to convince a friendly team to let you use any that they didn’t.
There are other sources for similar components, but I don’t have details since we didn’t buy or use them.
We use the US Digital quadrature encoders included with the AndyMark SuperShifter gearbox. They work perfectly with Kevin Watson’s encoder support library for FRC. I’m the one who specified those parts for our team’s use a year ago, so I do know where to get them and how to connect them. All that information is here:
Gyros and accelerometers:
The Grayhill and Analog Devices products are available from (among others).
I have used the Grayhill 61K, 61R, 63K, and 64R encoders in the past.
I have also used the Analog Devices ADXRS150 150 deg/sec gyro evaluation board (PDF:
The Analog Devices ADXL204 Evaluation Board is the same chip used in the kit accelerometer (PDF:
Good luck!
We went with a gyro from Sparkfun (We used the ADXRS300) these are nice because all you have to do is solder on the pwm cable and put it in a project box and your ready to go. They also sell accelerometers like that. Just use Kevin’s gyro code and you should be good to go.