I have been unable to confirm this either way but can you continue to score goals in the end game?
Yes, there are no rules against it. Then end game is when robots can expand outside of the bumper perimeter.
We haven’t found anything saying you aren’t aloud to do so.
or anything saying you can
As far as I know, there are no rules against it, and I consider it to be totally legal.
However, on a different note, I’m still aggrivated about some of the new scoring things going on. For example:
Your team: 30 points, 10 points after penalties.
Opposing team: 5 points, none lost after penalties.
You get your ten points, plus the five points from the opposing team, times two. The other team gets your points without penalties, thus giving them all thirty of your points.
So, now, the score is 20 to 30, and you lose.
Penalties make that much of a difference. :ahh:
The GDC doesn’t say everything that you can do. If so, that would be a pretty large game manual! So if they don’t say that you can’t do it or there aren’t any rules that restrict it, then you CAN score in the end game. :]
Good luck!
I posted this same question in the FIRST game forum and this was the reply
#4 01-14-2010, 11:26 PM
Game Design Committee Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 2,114Re: Can goals be scored during finale
There is no rule that would prohibit ROBOTS from scoring during the FINALE PERIOD.
So as far as GDC is concerned…keep scoring goals…
Simple solution to that: Don’t earn penalties!
No you still win, the 20 and 30 points are for seeding points, you win the match 10-5 but you get 20 seeding points and the losing alliance gets 30.
I hope we can, because my team is not hanging so we will need to score in the End Game.
We haven’t found anything in the in the rules either.
As long as i understand it is legal to scor in the end game BUT according to the formula that calculates the time of returning balls to the field if you scor balls in the end of the game there won’t be any time for the human players to return the balls to the field and then you will get a penalty.
-Idan KOB #3088::safety::
Maybe I missed that part of the algorithm, but I didn’t find anything in the rules to imply that the algorithm is not for the entire match time or that all rules don’t end when the match ends.
Please tell me what in the rules says that “in the end of the game there won’t be any time for the human players to return the balls to the field and then you will get a penalty.”
Thank you!
You get a penalty for not returning a ball to the field until “Expire time” (from the formula). when you score goals in the last 15 seconds, there is a chance that at least one of the balls will have “Expire time” under zero (-10, for example). The game remaining time will never get to this score so you’re probably not gonna panelized if you don’t return scored balls in the last 15 seconds.
That’s how my logic works ><.
Yes, I understand the fact that the match might end before the balls can be returned to the field, but I don’t understand how you would get a penalty for that.
According to DOGMA, you get a minimum of 11 seconds. You get 4 more seconds per ball already in the station. As such, if you start with an empty station at time = 120 seconds left, and all the balls come in over 2 seconds (6/second) with no returns in that time, you’ll have to return balls before the following times left: 109, 105, 101, 97, 93, 89, 84, 80, 76, 72, 68, 64.
I’ve also pointed out in previous discussions on this that if a penalty is given after a match is over (Arena clock reads 0:00), then someone is going to be really mad. Under Murphy’s Law, it would decide the winner of at least one event. Therefore, this is a thing to be avoided by the GDC and DOGMA designers (potential victims of blame should this happen). We can safely assume that this was thought of, therefore they already dealt with it.
Mike, it’s 11 seconds unless you’ve already got a ball in the alliance station.
My team noticed this and decided that seeding points are going to pretty much only be a factor for the top 8 teams and that scouting is going to be important this year.
I realize this was an extreme example to prove a point but if your alliance manages to do twenty things wrong over the course of 2 minutes and 15 seconds you deserve to lose in any year.