End Game

So I am reading the manual and I don’t know if I am missing something or if I’m actually reading this correctly but…can you really only go outside the frame perimeter 12 inches even in end game?

I don’t ever think that I’ve seen a robot not be able to extend more during the end game.

Yes, you are allowed to extend up infinitely during endgame but not out


Pretty sure in 2019 the frame perimeter extension was unchanged whether you were in the HAB zone or not.


But then how were robots able to attempt double or triple climbs, since the supports had to extend more than 12" out?

In 2019, you were allowed to extend 30” outside of your frame perimeter.


Okay, so I guess no triple climbs this year

I wouldn’t say that - just maybe not in the same ways as years past


I would agree yes, but wouldn’t say it’s impossible. I would be surprised about a triple, but also to see teams climbing with a buddy as well, due to the minimal amount of extension out of perimeter.

the only way I can think of is by clamping onto their bumpers really tight

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you would just have to latch on to a robot climbing and they could lift you up. Maybe nothing to drive onto like 2018

12" outside Frame perimeter not UP

There is also the possibility of either having something in the style of Bomb Squad 2018:

Obviously you don’t have the same length to extend out of the frame perimeter but I think something in this style could work.

the bar is almost ten feet long, you can easily fit three robots on it, no buddy hang needed.


It was designed to make it more difficult to do this, to encourage more teams to attempt to climb on their own. If you could buddy climb hanging from the center of the Switch, it would make getting the rank point a bit too easy for teams that could do it. Instead, you have to achieve balance with two teams hanging from the bar. You notice that it also makes simple winch mechanisms much more difficult, since you need to stay more or less flat when you climb so you don’t violate the frame perimeter rule. One of the pictured violations in the manual shows a robot with it’s frame oriented vertically and a projection past it as a violation. It will be an interesting year for climbs, to be sure.


Extend below? Drop a bar down for alliance partner to climb on. Height is an issue but two short bot could work. Also guaranteed ranking if level.

Who said you can’t? You could climb center yourself, extend a bar off of each side (or front to back) for two others to grab and climb. DEFINITELY wouldn’t be easy, but I think it could be possible. (Even better if you could figure out how NOT to tilt even if only one climbed)

Nothing said you can’t so far

lets also not forget the LITERAL robo wrangler that the robowranglers did in 2018. it didnt extend to far out. you could probably do something like that

That’s been under discussion–apparently that was 16". 4" is a lot to lose if you’re trying to pick up another robot…

just a theory. i dont see many teams attempting buddy climb this year due to these restrictions. its always possible. but i dont see it as probable.

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