End of Day 1 (Thursday practice day)


Well the day went very well i will hightlight some stuff for you guys at home. Well our team got there and we got there a little late about 7:20 when we could get in at 7 to unpack the robot. You could only take your big cart and all the tools down the freight elevators and the line for that was really long. Now what is really weird is that the pit is all the way down like underground and you have to go down 3-4 escaltors to get to it…cant remember went up and down to many times. Now the walk from the pits to the georgia dome isnt that bad for the drivers its about 3 min, but for the fans its horrible! You have to go all the way back up the escaltors and then outside and down another escaltor and then you can walk in the Dome to your seat. Its about a 8-10 min walk and i mean if your team go’s out late its hard for everyone to make it to the stands to see you compete. THE WEBHUG WAS AWESOME. We all met they gave out a couple of awards and we just met everyone i met so many Awesome people that were on my list Dlavery, Brandon Martus, Amanda Morrison, Andy Baker, Koko Ed and many more. I think Koko Ed is the coolest guy. The two people i havent met yet that i really want to is DJ FLUCK he runs around in the panther costume and we call him and he acts like its not him lol and John V-neun(he missed the webhug :frowning: ). The practice matches went really well and for everyone at home youare going to see a exciting nationals. The had the real prototype of the Mars Landers and they are going to drive it around tommorow so thats is going to be cool. OVer all everything was fun. The FIRST hall of fame is really cool. Well i am out

Yeah, the walk around the place is rediculous, it should not take that long to see your team complete.

I manged to walk down the tunnel a few times to get to the dome, but first got a little irritated when I came back once, said I shoudl had known better etc, (There were not signs form the Dome to the pits, only from the Pits to the Dome.

First should really open that hallway up and let ONLY team members take it, that would help a large amount and actually let us watch our matches.

we missed watching one of them because we rolled out, and by the time we got there it was over :mad:

Other then that, I like the place, its just the walk that is stupid

WEll see they dont want just team members on the floor they only want operators i dont know the walkway is a littly small and i could see it getting crowded i am just glad i am a operator and dont have to walk around :wink:

James is a whinner.
I am sharing a room with him, I feel I can say that.
The walk is long and you need to plan for it.
Atlanta is pretty amazing. I doubt the web casts are capturing the size of this place.

Our team had all our usual gremlins to deal with in practice but we left the pit feeling ready for friday.

Luck and salutations to all!

For our team, the only problem was an inconsistant autonomous mode, but luckly, we were able to fix all 6 modes to work correctly. Hopefully those are the only gremlins in our robot…for at least a little while.

You realize that the long walk is because they want you all to buy Segways. :smiley:

well, its been a long day, and i probably shouldn’t be staying up and cruising the CD forums, but i really thought that team 1396 deserved some recognition. because of a shipping error, they walked into the pits to find an empty stall, because their crate had accidently been shipped home. within 4 hours, they had gathered the neccessary material, and built drive train. by the end of the day, with the help from pit neighbors, teams 494, 33, and a few others, they had completed a simple yet effective ball herder, and had it tech-ed in.

keep on eye on thes rookies through-out the weekend. they’re in the archimedes div.

Oh mannn! I couldnt even imagine wat would happen to me if that was my team, specially it sucks since its your first Nationals without a robot. If you need help let ur cd fans know. Will be glad to help you out.

That Really can hurt a team. Not Only by set goals they have made but the spirit of that team as well.

Gracious Professionalism has once again made its appearence and has allowed many teams to pitch in together to help 1396 in building a simple yet effective robot to replace the one that was shipped back to the HS.

A Big Thank you is in order to the teams that have helped 1396 to get back on their feet.

Good Luck to all Competiting in T - 6hrs.

Yeah I think we donated alot of their framework, bosche aluminum is great for buiding fast.

Hey, you didn’t like the walk either! :stuck_out_tongue:

if it did hurt them, they sure didn’t let it show. the whole time, they kept there heads up, and i don’t think i ever saw any of them actually complain about there situation. according to the one of the mentors, they actually see this as a positive experience. in the end, they ended up being ranked 33, higher than many very competitve veteran teams.