End of week 4!

Hey Cheif Delphi,

How far is your team on your robot build, electrical, or programming?

So far my team has is completed the chassis, ball collector, feeder, and started the turret. We just have to assemble the rest of the parts. The electrical team has finished building the actual electrical board, just need to mount it and connect the motors to the controllers. Programmers are doing really well, and are trying to get the automatic aiming system working right now. I believe they are done the actual driving and ball collection system done, but not sure.

Good Luck Teams!!! :slight_smile:

256 is great! The best we’ve done ever for week 4! We’re finishing the final touches on our bot, and perfecting our code! All we need to do now is plop all of the separate parts together (12 bolts total) and we’ll have our robot! From then on it’s driver practice, minor adjustments, and more driver practice! And of course naming the robot and making the robot video, which are always fun!

Also on the to-do list: Attend the Fembots’ and Cheesy Poofs’ practice days! :smiley:

Wow, the end of week 4 already, and all we have to show for it is a frame and a box of mecanum wheels. :frowning:

Dont fret. They’re special^

Keep your head up! Two weeks is a lot of time if a team works hard, and teams around you are more than happy to help!

almost the exact thing i was gonna say :slight_smile:

We got our robot parts last week. so we built almost everything in just over a week.

PS. Find a sponsor that will water-jet or lazer-cut a sheetmetal robot for you (and bend). and make your robot easy to assemble (using rivets not bolts. cause bolts are a lot harder to fasten/take of when u need a hand on both sides of a piece of sheet metal). We’ve never done a full sheet-metal robot before, this was our first year. Sheet-metal is definitely the way to go though :slight_smile:

Thanks for the advice! Sheetmetal will be our primary goal in this next offseason (or really long pre-season, since you never stop doing FIRST)

I thought they both on the same day? the 18th if i’m not mistaken

The Fembot’s is the 18th, while I think the Poofs are doing the whole weekend. We usually go to the Poof’s Lab on Sunday, while Saturday is open for us, though this year we’re hoping to spend some time with 692 at their place. (They have ice cream! :D)

Kevin, if Cardinalbotics are going, then I would love to see how you’re doing!

We’re most likely going to the poofs on saturday, maybe sunday… idk…I would kind of like to film the robot unveil there!

We usually film ours at their lab. It makes it look so much nicer than our library! :stuck_out_tongue:

Where has the time gone? My team is almost done with our first robot–and we are starting machining the second one tomorrow.

This might be remembered as our Charles Dickens year. We certainly came into the season with Great Expectations, but have been experiencing a sort of dichotomy in our progress. It is the Best of Times: the first robot is almost done, a really strong team, and were not looking overweight, but somehow things seem to be at there Worst: we’ve barely started our robot, tremendous amounts of money have been spent, and we don’t even know that our shooter design works. We seem to be missing both David (our mill mentor) and Copper (well, bronze bushings) when we seem to need them most.

Punning aside, I think we are in a really great place at week four.

Wow, I’m really impressed with how much you guys have done so far :o We’ve basically CAD’d the drive train, and have ordered/received a lot of parts, but we don’t have much in the way of physical assemblies yet. We’ve been mostly doing analysis for the other subsystem–time consuming but (hopefully) a huge payoff in competition. It’s amazing how minor variance in motor speed and ball compression affects the arc of a shot. Programming and electrical are well underway, as well.

Good luck to everyone for the last 2 weeks!

Ah, good for you! I managed to convince my team to make the entire robot bolted this year, so we can take our robot apart down to individual frame members and reassemble it. I’ve gotten a lot of indignant questions about why we aren’t welding, but its great to hear that being able to disassemble parts of your bot has come in handy.

Our practice bot is done mechanically and Mae will work wonders tomorrow to make the thing move. All that’s left for build team is to clone the practice bot to make the one that we will ship.

Hope that everyone is having a good time :slight_smile:

100th post the day before my b-day… :smiley:

We’re doing well, we were able to shoot the past two days and we did some barrier crossing today. We still have a lot of work to do with the controls and programming. We also need some tweaking to the mechanical systems.

Look at our build log for more information.

Our prototype bot is built and driving, so all we have to do now is redesign all the problems out and build our final robots.

Team 166 is doing better time wise then the other 2 years Ive been on the team. We have our shooter assembled, or ball collector/storage done and mounted, drive-train has been done for a week, electrical board is almost done.

We are starting 3 hours early today so we can have the robot physically done and handed over to software either today or tomorrow.

Oh… and YAY 166th post! http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/images/smilies/smile.gif

That’s how we do it.
We have slapped the shooter on top of the drives base both sides are negotiating where to put what so the robot will work at it’s best.
Time is growing short but I think everything is rounding into form.