What is the difference between an engineer and an inventor? In both professions, new ideas are created, and old ones are improved upon. Is there a key difference between the two jobs? One difference could be the fact that an engineer needs to have a degree to be effective in the field, whereas an inventor could be an amateur with good ideas. But not all inventors are “amateurs”; look at Dean Kamen. So where do we draw the line? I would love to hear everyone’s opinion.
Ugggggg… I was just reading this in my college textbook. I was very bored. Anyway an inventor and an engineer are two differnt feilds. An engineer uses scientific knowledge and follows a specific process to solve a problem. This problem does not have to be something new. He can improve upon a basic concept that is all ready been built. An inventor doesn’t have to do any of that stuff. An engineer can be considered an inventor but an inventor can only be considered an engineer if a scientific process is being followed. So technically Dean Kamen is really an engineer more than anything.