Entire TechTV Staff Fired

In a 9 degrees of seperation thing to FIRST, TechTV has fired all of their employees. This includes Chris Leary, the guy who did all the interviews at Championship.


I’m sad to see TechTV end. I personally hate G4, even before the merger.

Excuse my biased opinion, but is Comcast dumb? Why by the station when you immediately plan to get rid of it?

Okay, I know I’m overreacting. It’s supposed to be a full on merge, so it may only be a cosmetic change. Of course, it may be a total change (in which case my above, biased opinion comes into play), and I may never see my beloved Screen Savers again. :frowning:

Wow… I am totally surprised that Comcast would get rid of all the talent within TechTV. I figured they would just merge and change a few show names here and there, not fire everyone that works there.

I guess I’ll have my dad cancel G4 and TechTV on our digital cable now because I’m not sure either are worth watching.

actually… from a diffrent report i read, they have not offically decided what they will be doing w/ the lab crew’s and show hosts (like chirs leary, leo, kevin, pat, martin, kat, sarah, (the hot chick from the TSS that i can’t remeber her name), morgan, adam, etc) =P… wow… i just named about 2/3 of the hosts… thats sad =P

Yeah, I read something similar as well. There’s 100 jobs that will still be safe, except they’ll have to move to LA.

Now, what’ll happen to the host’s of X-Play? Either they’ll be the stars of the new network (G4 is a gaming network), or there won’t be room for another gaming duo and be out of a job. Taking all bets! Even odds! With a 10% house commision taken on all bets, of course.

Everyone who has Comcast should write to them about TechTV. Tell them it’s a great channel, and that if them get rid of it, you will unsubscribe from extra channels. Tell them anything that will keep TechTV around, in its current condition (minus the firings).

At this point, it’s not going to change anything.

From what I’ve seen, G4TV, the channel that TechTV is merging with, is complete and utter garbage. It’s sad to think that TechTV will have to become part of that junk, but that’s what’s going to happen now…

Maybe, If they get enough letters they will put more TechTV related programming on G4. It’s worth a shot.

ok… i have a delima =P… i have DiretcTV, and i get every non-ppv channel inclucding all the sports and movies but i dont get G4TV!!! so… will that replace the TechTV channel or am i stupid and blind??? any DTV users know?? i know ttv is 354…

G4 will replace Tech TV on DirecTV (at least that’s the current plan).

Using all the creative juices in the Comcast company, they have finally came up with the name of the new channel…

G4TechTV. Woah, I never saw that one comming…

Shows you where they are leaning to. Also, they have announced what shows are making the cut, along with what they call the ‘G-Day’ or when the channels merge, May 28th.


Comcast Trying To Buy Out Disney- Strike 1
Comcast Buying Out TechTV- Strike 2
What will be strike three?!!?!?!

Wow! Another example of no Job Security:p

That sounds so mac-ish. Sadly, it probably won’t be.

The motivation for the merger is that comcast wants it’s channel G4 to reach a larger viewing audience. This can alrady be shown by all the people that have tech tv and no G4. For the people that don’t know G4 was a channel created to try and cash in on the 11 billion dollar gaming industry, unfourtunately the channel does not reach many people, hence the merger. To my knowledge nothing has been announced about which shows will be staying or leaving, but in my beliefs at least The Screensavers will be safe, for it is Tech TV’s powerhouse show. Sadly shows like the tech of, or interesting shows like “Body Hits” or the new “Let 'er Rip” (which coincidentaly will be having an hour long special on FIRST robotics this thursday may 13th at 9 pm eastern) will get the axe. Hopefuly Comcast will be kind to the fans of Tech TV, but in my heart i feel that it is not likely. :frowning: (i feel really sad now that i realize whats happening to one of my favorite channels…i’m so sad)

Hey! Don’t you have a powerbook? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, it seems that they will be cross polinating the two channels this week, so look for G4 shows on TechTV and TechTV shows on G4.

I myself only like one show on G4, that’s Icons. Other than that, it’s all repeats. X-Play I thought would kill Electronic Playground, but it didn’t. Ask anyone who’s a gamer, and they know that G4 has NO respect as a channel for gamers.

This is sick! I saw a preview of G4 TV on the comcast preview channel, and I was not happy. The fact that Comcast has fired the entire TechTV staff and is planning to replace the channel with G4 is horrible. Though I do admit that TechTV has lost the quality of its shows over the past year or 2 (example: Extended Play to X-Play, bad idea). We’ll see what happens on May 28.

Well, according to their new lineup of shows… (http://www.g4techtv.com/faq.html)

They are keeping The Screen Savers which makes me happy but they are killing Call for Help and Tech Live which makes me sad.

Not ever having watched G4 I don’t know about any of their shows. However, with show names like “Cheat” “Filter” and “Sweat” I really don’t know what to think since they sound so cheesy.