Error 103 fix?

We the correct IDs and the latest firmware ( but are still getting this message. ERROR  103  CTR: Firm Vers could not be retrieved. Use Phoenix Tuner to check ID and firmware(CRF) version.  Talon FX 3


This is likely to either be a problem with CAN wiring, or some kind of config/topology issue (such as looking through CANcoder for device on regular CAN bus).

Since you asked earlier in another thread, it would help if you could provide more info this time. For example, a screenshot of what tuner is showing, a photo of the robot wiring around the controllers, and/or a link to your code…

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Another weird way this message can occur is if your firmware version is updated but you are using the wrong Year version of robot code. If you are using Wpilib vsCode 2022 or any year other than 2023 your code will fail like this. The firmware version and Wpilib version have to match. The warning could probably have something to that affect added, but I think that’s controlled by CTRE, not by the Wpilib group.

Double check that you have the latest vsCode version and when you open any previous years projects you let the IDE update/migrate the files. I believe it prompts you about this if there is a mismatch between your project year and the Wpilib year but I may be wrong on that.

I’m unable to send a link to the code but this is the code:

package frc.robot;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Joystick;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.TimedRobot;
//import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.motorcontrol.PWMSparkMax;
//import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.ControlMode;
//import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.TalonFX;
import com.ctre.phoenix.motorcontrol.can.WPI_TalonFX;

/** This is a demo program showing how to use Mecanum control with the MecanumDrive class. */
public class Robot extends TimedRobot {
private static final int kFrontLeftChannel = 1;
private static final int kRearLeftChannel = 4;
private static final int kFrontRightChannel = 2;
private static final int kRearRightChannel = 3;

private static final int kJoystickChannel = 0;

private MecanumDrive m_robotDrive;
private Joystick m_stick;

public void robotInit() {
WPI_TalonFX frontLeft = new WPI_TalonFX(kFrontLeftChannel);
WPI_TalonFX rearLeft = new WPI_TalonFX(kRearLeftChannel);
WPI_TalonFX frontRight = new WPI_TalonFX(kFrontRightChannel);
WPI_TalonFX rearRight = new WPI_TalonFX(kRearRightChannel);

// Invert the right side motors.
// You may need to change or remove this to match your robot.

m_robotDrive = new MecanumDrive(frontLeft, rearLeft, frontRight, rearRight);

m_stick = new Joystick(kJoystickChannel);


public void teleopPeriodic() {
// Use the joystick X axis for forward movement, Y axis for lateral
// movement, and Z axis for rotation.
m_robotDrive.driveCartesian(-m_stick.getY(), -m_stick.getX(), -m_stick.getZ());

We got WPI Vscode 2023 and we are using firmware version

From API Usage

While Phoenix Pro and Phoenix 5 devices may exist on the same CAN bus and same robot project, each robot project must use the API tied to the device firmware version. This means Phoenix 5 devices must use the Phoenix 5 API, and Phoenix Pro devices must use the Phoenix Pro API.


I see what you mean now, the Firmware version is listed as Pro in tunerX and the code is using the phoenix 5 libraries not the pro set. Good eyes!

OP, there’s 2 versions of this year’s firmware, one for Pro and one for Phoenix 5. You want the non-pro version! Do a reflash and see if that helps

The error message could be a lot more helpful, given that CTRE created this particular foot gun.

If you paid for Phoenix Pro (or plan to do so), you need to change the code to use that API. If not, you need to update the Talons to the non-pro firmware. Note that the reasons to use Pro on a Talon are pretty narrow.


Ohh okay okay i see i’ll try and putting the non pro version, thank you.

Okay thank you for that we will try and switch to Phoenix 5

Okay yeah we do not have the pro version so that most likely why, thank you.

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