Error: could not find or load main class org.usfirst.frc

When downloading robot code to the roborio, getting an error could not load main class. Tried changing export path of RobotBuilder and importing new project folder into VS Code. Help, we are a rookie team whose spent a lot of time just trying to connect to our robot.

Our environment:
RoboRio v13 w/ updated firmware
WPILib 2019.2.1
VS Code Studio
Robot Builder

This is how our build.gradle MAIN is setup and this is what the error code says it is not finding.

org.usfirst.frc7548.FRC-v1 is not a valid package identifier - specifically, you have an illegal dash (-) character near the end. Remove or replace the dash in the folder name and anywhere else it occurs and you should be good

Thanks, we will try this!