I’m getting a nasty error, it seems as through the crio is starting up two threads for the code at once. I’ve tried doing just about everything but it won’t stop. Curious is anyone else has run into this.
Heres my output:
Everything after this NiRioRpc is doubled
and the printouts are doubling up, which makes me fear for other issues.
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: NiRioRpc
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niorbs
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niorbs
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: NiViSrvr
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: NiViSrvr
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: visa32
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: visa32
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivissvc
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivissvc
[cRIO] task 0xee4798 (PAL00fb5b50) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] NI-RIO Server 3.2 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xc5fc48 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] task 0xee4798 (PAL00fb5b50) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] NI-RIO Server 3.2 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xc5fc48 (NiRioRpc) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivision
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: nivision
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niserial
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: niserial
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_FPGA
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_FPGA
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_NetworkCommunication
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_NetworkCommunication
[cRIO] task 0x1b20ec0 (t2) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] task 0x1b20ec0 (t2) deleted: errno=0 (0) status=0 (0)
[cRIO] FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2203
[cRIO] FRC_NetworkCommunication was compiled from SVN revision 2203
[cRIO] NI-VISA Server 4.5 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xe62db8 (t1) deleted: errno=1835009 (0x1c0001) status=1 (0x1)
[cRIO] NI-VISA Server 4.5 started successfully.
[cRIO] task 0xe62db8 (t1) deleted: errno=1835009 (0x1c0001) status=1 (0x1)
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware GUID: 0x2EAA5E59CAF1A8A966853A011B61CC91
[cRIO] FPGA Software GUID: 0x2EAA5E59CAF1A8A966853A011B61CC91
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Version: 2011
[cRIO] FPGA Software Version: 2011
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.5.3
[cRIO] FPGA Software Revision: 1.5.3
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware GUID: 0x2EAA5E59CAF1A8A966853A011B61CC91
[cRIO] FPGA Software GUID: 0x2EAA5E59CAF1A8A966853A011B61CC91
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Version: 2011
[cRIO] FPGA Software Version: 2011
[cRIO] FPGA Hardware Revision: 1.5.3
[cRIO] FPGA Software Revision: 1.5.3
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_JavaVM
[cRIO] * Loading StartupDlls: FRC_JavaVM
[cRIO] [OTA Server] Version: 2011 FRC, Jan 6 2011, 09:47:42
[cRIO] [OTA Server] Version: 2011 FRC, Jan 6 2011, 09:47:42
[cRIO] Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6.1f3
[cRIO] Welcome to LabVIEW Real-Time 8.6.1f3
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Version: 2011 FRC, Jan 6 2011, 09:58:39
[cRIO] [Squawk VM] Version: 2011 FRC, Jan 6 2011, 09:58:39
[cRIO] [SSqquuaawwkk VVMM]] VVeerrssiioonn:: 22001111 FFRRCC, JJaann 66 22001111, 0099::5588::3399
[cRIO] FFPPGGAA HHaarrddwwaarree GGUUIIDD:: 00xx22eeaaaa55ee5599ccaaff11aa88aa996666885533aa001111bb6611cccc9911
[cRIO] FFPPGGAA SSooffttwwaarree GGUUIIDD:: 00xx22eeaaaa55ee5599ccaaff11aa88aa996666885533aa001111bb6611cccc9911
[cRIO] DDeeffaauulltt rroobboottIInniitt(()) mmeetthhoodd rruunnnniinngg, ccoonnssiiddeerr pprroovviiddiinngg yyoouurr oowwnn
[cRIO] DDeeffaauulltt ddiissaabblleedd(()) mmeetthhoodd rruunnnniinngg, ccoonnssiiddeerr pprroovviiddiinngg yyoouurr oowwnn