Errors with Pneumatic Hub

I just got the new REV Pneumatic Hub, and when I try deploying code using the compressor and solenoids it gives me this error.
Unhandled exception: edu.wpi.first.hal.util.AllocationException: Channels 7 and 8 already allocated 
and Unhandled exception: edu.wpi.first.hal.util.AllocationException: Compressor already allocated.

I was wondering what I could to fix these errors.

Can you post your code via github? Instinct is you’re setting the same ID for multiple things based on that error.

Here is the github

You’re constructing your IntakeRelay in multiple places. Line 9 of IntakeCommand and Line 12 of RelayCommand. You can just keep the declarations there, and remove the new IntakeRelay() parts.

Problem fixed. It was with sensors, we were using a analog sensor when the code was for digital sensors, so we just wired in the digital sensor, and it works

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