Im trying to setup shuffleboard with a dial output, but I keep getting 2 errors.
1: Trying to se the min and max of the dial has map with an error
2: I keep getting this error, but no other thing has the same name (removed withProperties to get this to error)
Any ideas?
If you have it in teleopPeriodic() it’s getting called multiple times. Do it in robotInit() or the constructor.
ok. thank you. What about the Map error?
You need to import java.util.Map .
You’d need to manually update the entry in a periodic function. I suggest using .addNumber("Encoder 1 Speed", encoder1::getRate)
in robotInit() instead
ok, now it doesnt throw an error, but how can i get it to update the value? it stays at 0
Where in your code are you sending it, and how are so doing so?
I have the code in the robotint function as I was having an issue with it being in the telop function. Now it sets up fine, but the dial doesnt move
How are you sending the value?
this in the robotint function
You’re only ever updating the value once (when you add the value). If you use Sam’s snippet from above, it’ll auto-update every control loop iteration.
So, .addnumber instead of .add
Thanks. I’ll try that
January 30, 2020, 3:38pm
To make this easier to do, consider using Oblog . It will automatically update values for you.
thanks! worked perfectly!
January 29, 2021, 10:05pm
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