I can do that for the SoCal teams, actually.
San Diego: 1538, 3128, 4984, 5025, 5474, 6515, 9730. At least, that’s the home event for most of those teams, and I would expect them to try to get in there first. 7 teams. I’d probably split that group evenly between SD and OC regional waitlists (OC being the second-closest event, and 3 weeks earlier).
LA, OC, and AVR are close enough to somewhat share a team pool. 17 teams across 3 events, but I’d be willing to bet that it’s not an even spread. MOST of these teams call LA Regional home; a few are closer to OC. With the timing spreads being what they are, most likely they could have picked any one of the three. I’d say probably 3 teams from this group on the OC waitlist, 2-3 on the AVR, and the rest on L.A. at least at a first guess.
294, 597, 599, 696, 702, 968, 980, 1197 (L.A. waitlist, known), 1515, 1661, 1759, 1836, 3473, 4322, 4619, 6220, 6658
SoCal is actually an interesting exercise in guessing the odds of getting in, as well–none of the 6 events there changed venues. So, if we look at last year’s number of teams, and this year’s Round 1 capacity, we can guess waitlist odds for that event for teams currently on that waitlist!
San Diego: 20 slots held, estimated 3-6 on the waitlist.
OC: 18 slots held, estimated 3-6 on the waitlist.
AVR: 20 slots held, estimated 3-6 waitlist.
LA: 20 slots held, estimated 10 waitlist.
In other words, I would expect MOST of those teams from SoCal to get in before Round 2, without difficulty. I would also expect Round 2 to be waitlist-only for those events…