Ewave Screamer with new controller?

Does anyone know if the EWave Screamer (radio modem) can be used to program this year’s controller?



not the one that came in the KOP - its RS422

but I believe you can get an RS-232 radio link and use it instead of the program cable - very useful for seeing printF statements while your bot is driving around on the floor

(or you can hook several download cables together instead :c)

I haven’t tried it, but I doubt it will work. The Screamers only operate at a maximum of 9600 baud, and the IFI Loader program requires 115200 baud to download. I think you’re stuck with a long cable…

Oh, so you can’t use the radio modems for misc comm stuff? We have last year’s, too. I was hoping we could use those for something else…

You shouldn’t try to use the radio modems that came in the kit of parts with anything else. They are not RS232 compatible (they use RS422 instead). Innovation First used to sell a similar set of radio modems called “Stampers” I believe which could be used for wireless download & debugging of the older BASIC Stamp-based controllers.

We use a set of wireless 232 modules to get data back via the programming port. The only modification you need to make is you have to change the UART boud rate to 19.2k instead of 115k.


lol our team has 5 serial cables strung together that follow the robot around the room. real hitech

pppfffftt, we have 7 years worth of cables to use, we just have the freshmen team members run around and keep the cords from getting tangled. :smiley:

Duct Tape!

Scooter, where did u get these modules? I’d like to get something thats already tested to work by somebody else. :smiley: thanks

It’s kind of too late for this season, but for future reference http://www.aircable.net/ sells cables that can communicate at up to 30 ft wirelessly. One side has to be plugged into a wall, but the other can be attached just like a normal serial cable with no extra battery drain. They don’t require any special configuration of the software either. :ahh: I don’t actually have them, so I can’t verify that they are a legitimate company, but just in case anyone wants to give it a try. :slight_smile:

Looks pretty cool. I don’t like the price much and I’m pretty confident that you could find cheaper than that, though don’t quote me on that.

You can get them right here.
