Chat Log:
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<SuperNerd256> I like that idea Leeland
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<Leeland1126> I saw it thrown around on CD, I thought it was pretty clever.
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<Guest 24> For some reason people respect him though....
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<GCentola1126> well its better than Breakaway :P
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<Guest 24> he's just a nag on chief
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<Leeland1126> Yep, 09 - now
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<Guest 14> <3 unbag period
<Guest 14> we got so much more practice in
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<Guest 24> I wish the show was done by people who know what they're talking about
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Stogi is logged into the chat
<Stogi> yo
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<Guest 11> King
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<GCentola1126> Leeland, remember when we wanted o be able to do that?
<Leeland1126> No way...
<Guest 13> Has anyone beaten 341 to the bridge?
<Leeland1126> And yes. I do. That didn't work out well -_-
<Bryan33> 33 autotargets...
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<Guest 2> yes, couple teams beat them
<Guest 16> 67 shoots 2 first, then goes to the bridge
<MagiChau85> I think 67's hybrid auto targets after coming back from the bridge
<Guest 2> 1647 did a couple times
<Guest 14> guest 13, yes
<Guest 14> 869 did once or twice
<jimzondag> 341 is faster than 67 at reaching the bridge
<Guest 16> 341 doesn't shoot first
<Bryan33> hey Jim
<jimzondag> yo
<Leeland1126> 341 is definitely more consistent than 67
<Guest 2> multiple modes - shoot first, bridge first, etc
<chinmay846> they've done that in many matches, so i think its intentional
<Guest 2> they got penalties a couple times for picking up 4 balls
<Guest 16> finals they went first, shot later
<Stogi> 365 takes the penalties too
<jimzondag> HOT just beats everyone in teleop, even when they lose auton
<Stogi> it doesn't matter
<Guest 11> 469 is better
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<Guest 11> in teleop
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<Leeland1126> I believe 78 beat 341 to coop in finals at Boston. Only time I've seen it.
<Guest 14> 1218 played 25 twice
<Guest 16> 469 played 67 twice
<Guest 14> only 1 Hybrid point separate them and 25
<Guest 14>
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<Guest 14> for reference
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<Guest 16> as long as there were balls on the floor, 341 was deadly, throwing in 8+ per tele
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<grimtuesday> Anyone be mad if I call in late? For whatever reason the audio doesn't work on my computer
<Guest 11> 67 and 469 have played 3 times 469-2 win 67-1 win
<GCentola1126> ill be mad :P
<Guest 14> guest 16, they average 5.67 balls/match on Friday
<Stogi> 25 was best at tele-op
<Guest 14> 25 was the only team to break 300 TP
<Stogi> Shaun and Jared are both firm believers in having a good all around alliance
<Stogi> 341 hybrid
<Stogi> 25 tele
<Leeland1126> Simon, if you click the trouble hearing button near the volume bar, it fixed it fr me.
grimtuesday is on the call
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<grimtuesday> Unmute me?
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<Guest 14> moe's alliance did on the practice field, but it was sloppy
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<jimzondag> multiple alliances at MSC could do it
<phantom1986> much better
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<grimtuesday> Someone please?
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<Bryan33> The world Champs this year will triple I think, you can't keep up otherwise.
<Guest 16> including a 2 long, 1 wide group!
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<Dondy33> i doubt that
<schreiaj> Simon, were gonna hold on the unmute for a bit
<grimtuesday> mmk
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<Guest 29> Good shooting and a triple will win
<Guest 16> and a good auto
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<MarcS> Outscoring your opponents will win.
<Bryan33> WHAT!?
<Guest 29> but consistent points and the triple will over power that even its its only 2s
<Guest 16> not losing will win
<alecmataloni111> ^^thanks John madden
<Stogi> ^
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<Stogi> lol
<chinmay846> lol
<Guest 16> can you imagine JMadden calling this game?
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<chinmay846> thats just like 2056 and 1114
<tombot> you forgot about pure a-bombing
<MagiChau85> what about shooting from the half court?
<Leeland1126> Not in every match, but it will almost definitely happen several teams in each division.
<chinmay846> same thing really... as a 341 + 1717 alliance
<alecmataloni111> Feeders will become way more common in division elims
<Guest 29> what is the "game breaker" 111 has?
<alecmataloni111> Game breaker? since when?
<Stogi> 1218 idk what happened
<Guest 29> where they can make the game a continous loop
<jimzondag> 341+1717 almost as intimidating as 67 + 469
<Stogi> 25 can beat Daisy in teleop
<Guest 14> don't forget 103!
<Stogi> 103 yea
<MagiChau85> I say 341+1717 is more intimidating
<Stogi> 341 and 469
<Dondy33> 67 + 469 is not unstoppable
<MagiChau85> if you exclude triple balance
<tombot> 1717 doesnt have a dingus
<Stogi> i don't think "not good" is true
<jimzondag> no one is unstoppable in this game
<Stogi> i disagree
<Guest 15> strongly disagree
<Guest 2> only 3 teams outscored 341 in TP @ MAR
<Guest 2> 25, 2590, 1676
<MarcS> The triple balance is unstoppable.
<Stogi> 341 is already stepping up teleop as well
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<Guest 16> was someone watching a different finals? 341 was lights out shooting. as many balls as he could find -- on his side of the field
<MarcS> Unless.... you stop it.
<JacobP79> 103
<MagiChau85> the amount of time needed to triple balance really matters
<Bryan33> 2056?
<Stogi> and is the most reliable out of MAR. The others coming from MAR usually choke in eliminations
<Guest 16> no, they're great -- there are a number of teams at this level ... no way to compare until you get them to iri
<Guest 14> 25, 103, 341, 1218, 1676
<Guest 14> are the best from MAR
<jimzondag> 2056, 987, 1114, 254, 118
<Stogi> 1676 chokes in elims
<MarcS> In the world....
<Guest 14> MOE needs to step up to how they were playing at Lenape
<Guest 16> exactly -- top class shooters are going to distinguish with the other facets
<Guest 13> 341 had the second best telop opr at MAR
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<Stogi> 222 had a new shooter at MAR that they didnt have time to tune
<Guest 16> refer to karthik -- "why opr is a crock" lecture
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<Guest 13> 1717's teleop opr is twice 341's
<Guest 16> put them on the same field
<Guest 16> opr is a semi crock
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<grimtuesday> I actually talked to a few members of 357; it's a funding issue
<Guest 16> 1717 is huge -- one of the top class, no doubt
<Guest 16> at this level , you can't feed the beast fast enough
<Guest 16> so it's all about the rest of the game
<Stogi> 357 was great cause they actually used their drive correctly
<alecmataloni111> They ARE the original mecanum right?
<Stogi> yeah
<Guest 14> yeah, they broke one of their wheels off at MAR
<rsisk101> that is why 330 had to go play defense at CVR, to feed 1717
<JacobP79> Wait, you can do that? lol
<Guest 14> had it fixed for the next match, lol
<Guest 16> right
<jimzondag> they were one of the very first teams to have mechanums back around 2006
<Stogi> 357 keeps spares and replace them in 5min
<schreiaj> They broke a couple wheels at MAR
<jimzondag> before you could just buy them from AndyMark
<Stogi> 357's wheels are just awesome though
<grimtuesday> They still mold them themselves out of softer rubber than Andy's
<Stogi> 357 I believe chose VEX CMP over FRC CMP
<Stogi> oh wait not
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<Stogi> take that back
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<Stogi> no*
<Guest 13> 357 had mecanums in at least 2005, I think 2004
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<Stogi> 357 had them in 2005
<jimzondag> Yes, I know they had them in 05
<thefro526> 2005-2008 and 2010-2012
<thefro526> only missing 2009
<thefro526> and we know why
<Stogi> The Incident
<MagiChau85> that match
<Stogi> you mean Dat Match
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<Guest 16> there is a huge mid tier
<Guest 2> 53 out of 99 teams vs 64 out of 190 teams
<Guest 13> 341 + 25 + 1640 > 469 + 67 + 830
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<thefro526> MAR vs MSC would be an interesting series of matches
<tombot> jim: was main breaker the issue with 33?
<Guest 15> maybe at IRI.....
<jimzondag> The issue in the finals was a radio die out, same as HOT's problem
kellenhill1625 is on the call
<jimzondag> They both played 3 times before and have gotten really good at it
<Bryan33> almost
<jimzondag> at the MSC, nearly everyone can
<Guest 16> pretty much most of them that were at the MSC !
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<Stogi> woot 3929 and other MAR teams finally officially registered for Championships!
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<kellenhill1625> i liked seeing 469 human loading
<JacobP79> ^
<Stogi> currently at 397 teams
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<Guest 11> you think MAc and MSC scoring was up because of the extra time the teams have had for bridge balancing.
<kellenhill1625> the "rebound" part of rebound rumble is really going to come into play at the higher levels of this game
<Bryan33> 469 beats their practice robot to death.. in a good way.
<kellenhill1625> balls don't stay on the floor very long once they get there
<Guest 13> Divisions are released!
<Guest 11> DIVISIONS!!!!!
<MagiChau85> what
<tombot> for real dawg
<MagiChau85> did first just crash from that
<Bryan33> And being awesome.
<jimzondag> Strategy and practice
<Guest 11> lol
<jimzondag> they know what to do, and they do it very well
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<MagiChau85> lol how many people trying to load it
<MagiChau85> if you got the page open can you put it on a mirror download on mediafire?
<jimzondag> 3 wins and one finalist
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<jimzondag> in 4 MSC events
<Guest 16> 2010...
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<Guest 16> moving on ...
<Guest 16> world cmp
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<Guest 29> are the divisons actually there?
<alecmataloni111> Wow.
<alecmataloni111> Nope. troll
<kellenhill1625> nope, not up yet
<thefro526> not seeing divisions
<MagiChau85> ;w;
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<chinmay846> lol i got so excited
<Stogi> i just said that it was only at 397 two minutes ago
<phantom1986> its been happening throughout first unfortunately
<MarcS> You can't be a national champion in the FIRST robotics competition.
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<Stogi> there's still qualified teams left who have to register
<apalrd> i saw it as well eric
<jimzondag> I think the 33 issue is on the machine, I think Hot's is too. I do not think was not the field.
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<alecmataloni111> when is the deadline?
<MagiChau85> I saw 67 working on the robot after finals so I assume there was some sort of issue
<Guest 16> same match 469 was frozen at the fender for ~10 secs, too ... very strange
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<kellenhill1625> the best balls to score are the ones on the opponents side of the field
<kellenhill1625> big point swing
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<jimzondag> Breakaway was the same way. If both alliances are good at offence, then the total score goes up
<Guest 16> yupper
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<JacobP79> 548
<alecmataloni111> 548
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<Hallry1676> 25?
<Guest 4> until you get in between them and the fender...
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<schreiaj> FIM
<jimzondag> 548 won with 67 at Northville
<MagiChau85> 548 had a pretty decent key shot
<Guest 16> they showed key shooting at msc
<Guest 16> hadn't done that before
<MagiChau85> it looked more like a crossbow
<jimzondag> deadly if you let the to the fender
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<Guest 16> rate of acquisition is slow, that's their weaker point, rate of fire is quick -- less time for D to show up
<kellenhill1625> how is 1023? i've heard good things
<jimzondag> 1023 is quite good
<Guest 16> they had a rough tournament -- nowhere as lights out as at detroit
<Leeland1126> 1023 was putting up some good points at MSC
<Guest 13> 548 has the most unique robot this year
<Guest 14> and 25's brakes prevent that
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<jimzondag> 1023 = 750 season TP, 526 season HP
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<Guest 27> 548 only needs 16 inches on the bridge
<GCentola1126> Leeland, have you by any chance been number crunching lately?
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<Leeland1126> No, sadly I haven't -_- not a lot of spare time on my hands.
<Stogi> for all you folks being trolled by divisions
<Stogi> i just made this guy
<GCentola1126> nice
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<MarcS> Top teams by OPR: 67, 1717, 469, 341, 2481, 987, 2056, 1983, 1114, 359.
<Guest 27> both were having issues with camera at MSC
<jimzondag> 2054
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<MagiChau85> 2054 is ridiculously wobbly
<jimzondag> 2" of ball compression
<schreiaj> Jim, why don't you just call in man?
<Leeland1126> I heard 70 was the stronger, but I thought 494 was better at MSC
<Guest 16> audio gone?
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<Guest 16> or just me
<schreiaj> No, still have audio 16
<jimzondag> 3322 also pretty good
<Guest 16> hmm
<Guest 16> wth
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<jimzondag> 1718 as well
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<jimzondag> tool it off
<Stogi> 1918 too
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<Stogi> 1918 was best video
<kellenhill1625> great bridge bot
<Guest 27> added stinger
<jimzondag> rookie sensation
<Bryan33> 2054 has a stinger now
<Leeland1126> 2137,2337 were both solid.
<alecmataloni111> and scored no baskets
<JacobP79> Cool name
<jimzondag> they do the same thing every time, and do it very well
<Bryan33> They have awesome drivers who understand stratigy very well.
<jimzondag> we taught them how to do that at Kettering in Elims
<Leeland1126> Also, 2834 was making a bit of a splash.
<Bryan33> Also, because they balanced the coop bridge their stronger partners could continue scoring.
<JacobP79> They would normally make the first one and miss the second
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<Guest 27> them and 85 were the best two at Gull Lake
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<Bryan33> When 1918 was on, they were ON.
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<Dondy33> haha good call bryan
<Bryan33> scoring wise
<CromerSmash> the peyton manning of MI? does well but not a big winner?
<Dondy33> talk about 217
<Hallry1676> link to picture?
<Guest 27> at detroit
<Guest 14> yeah, picture please
<Stogi> there's also teams who tebow their way into elims. They win but nobody really understands why
<jimzondag> same part as 33
<jimzondag> why our gun recoils
<schreiaj> Anyone have the picture handy? (I don't have it with me)
<Guest 27> dan ernst had the photos
<Leeland1126> Oh... missed that picture 0_O
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<Guest 58> 217 - when your lead mentor works 1500 miles away, it may be kinda tough
<Guest 14>
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<MagiChau85> I wonder how the May broadcast of MSC will go
<jimzondag> both times I beleive that HOTs issue was not the field
<Stogi> it was awesome to see
<Stogi> in person
<Guest 55> It was so cool to see
<Hallry1676> ^agreed
<Guest 56> np -- go to your alley
<phantom1986> how is it legal
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<Guest 14> Sunny had called Aiden brown before elims started
<Guest 14> to get that exact ruling
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<Guest 55> For queen, they were ON the bridge for a while
<Stogi> 25 was wrecking 1218 trying to get to the bridge
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<grimtuesday> How is any sort of defense legal?
<Guest 14> 25 was still trying to wheelie up onto the bridge
<Stogi> there's plenty of legal defense
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<Guest 56> although 2337 decided to play defense in the alley ...
<Dondy33> they also expected to recieve one penalty
<MagiChau85> that was really weird to see
<Bryan33> that was decidedly a bad move..
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<Guest 27> and got ALOT of penalties
<eyahrmat> helped us though...
<MarcS> If a robot is pushed into a bridge the ref not only should call it, ITS IN THE RULES!
<MagiChau85> I believed it was used to prevent 33 from triple balancing?
<eyahrmat> yes
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<Guest 46> check out Spokane elims for 1983 playing defense to prevent opponents getting to bridge.
<Stogi> they also wouldve been fine if they weren't playing 25
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<Stogi> 25 is the wrong team to go against with stuff like that
<Stogi> they will get through you
<MagiChau85> I believe 2337 tried to block the bridge from the scoring side of 33's alliance but 2137 got through?
<Guest 55> Did they lose because of it?
<Guest 56> bottom line -- gdc needs to come out strong on details about what is legal and what is not
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<grimtuesday> They would have lost by 1 (blue)
<Guest 58> Queen City - finals round F1-1 easily beat the defense that previous beat 829 in the semi-finals
<Leeland1126> Especially when you're up against a team famous for their aggressive drive train
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<Guest 55> Yeah, Queen seemed to be more lenient about this rule.
<Guest 55> They weren't calling it as much.
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<Guest 14> the rules all point to Red winning that match
<Stogi> ^
<Stogi> it was clear cut
<Guest 14> no matter which way you look at it
<Stogi> they shouldve been looking up at the scoreboard the whole time they sat there
<grimtuesday> So why is playing defense against someone at the fender not stopping them from playing the game?
<Guest 27> f-2 maybe
<grimtuesday> msc match 2
<Guest 56> this topic is the iceberg of controversy ...
<apalrd> eric, grappling?
<Stogi> Grim cause this is in the rules
<grimtuesday> 67 broke it seems; somehow under the bridge
<Stogi> you're making a moot point
<jimzondag> pretty clean overall at MSC
<Guest 56> not quite -- in the alley
<Dondy33> or penalties on a dead bot
<Guest 56> and then 2054 fell over on them
<MarcS> Hanging off the bridge is still only a 3 point foul.
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<Guest 58> Watch what 781 does to 1038 at 1:20 at Queen City Finals 1: pick and roll for 3940
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<jimzondag> 67 died in a good place in the finals,
<Guest 58>
<Guest 27> 548 fell on 67
<MagiChau85> yeah if 548 really could manage to get off their bridge, their alliance would win
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<kellenhill1625> red could have driven to the other side of the field to get on the bridge...
<kellenhill1625> haha
<Guest 51> What if your bot is pushed by opponent you got in front of from a spot 10-15 ft.away?
<grimtuesday> I think F2 MSC is worth talking about
<Guest 64> not under the bridge.
<Guest 56> 3/4 robot length off the end of the bridge
<jimzondag> 548 fell off end and touched 67
<grimtuesday> no call
<Guest 64> about 3 ft away from bridge.
<Guest 56> ah ... them falling off made the fail
<jimzondag> refs called it a no balance
<Dondy33> there was no penalty
<Guest 27> no call
<jimzondag> so no 40
<Guest 56> they got a 3 pt for "tag" in the alley
<grimtuesday> G45 was cited iirc
<Guest 64> 3pt penalty for contact in the lane.
<grimtuesday> *44
<Guest 56> yes there was a flag
<kellenhill1625> 67 didn't screw up the triple
<Guest 51> 7-10 feet across the field and into the opponents bridge during end game?
<Guest 56> no interfere
<kellenhill1625> the did make it hard to get a double though, which would have won it for blue
<Guest 51> 4-7 feet?
<Bryan33> Why did this get a no call, but when 2137 tipped they still got fouls for being hit in the lane?
<Guest 56> made it hard to get a double ... yes, but...
<MagiChau85> it is kind of hard to get the double when 548's robot was stuck
<Guest 56> they did get a foul for being in the alley and getting touched
<Guest 64> they weren't going for a double.
<Guest 27> no interference but did prevent 548 from clearing out of the way for the double
<alecmataloni111> Dead robots can score points and get penalties
<Guest 56> who said it had to be fair!?
<grimtuesday> Yes, if you go to a dangerous place and have an unstable robot it's a risk you take
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<Guest 60> I think the issue was more to do with 67 causing 548 to be unable to drive off the bridge, preventing a double for the win
<MagiChau85> if 548 could drive off then 2054 and 245 could double balance
<kellenhill1625> mhm
<jimzondag> it seems like they lightened up on this at MSC...we got several while dead at Troy, but there were none on 2137 in SF2-1 at MSC
<Guest 58> a dead robot is the fault of the robot, unless it's a field fault
<Guest 56> hard to infer intent on that
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<Guest 58> intent does not matter
<jimzondag> HOT clearly did not die on purpose
<Guest 64> if 548 wanted to get off the bridge, they could have. 67's robot would roll easily away, if pushed by 548.
<jimzondag> it was the right call
<Leeland1126> A team would play possum to gain an advantage? You think so?
<Guest 56> only sad thing is that's the denoument of the tv show. not how anyone would have wanted it
<schreiaj> Akash, shut up
<jimzondag> 469 69-3-0
<Guest 56> adn 469 24-0
<Guest 56> elims
<Stogi> is that in 4 events?
<jimzondag> but they can't all win next week
<Guest 56> who would be the third pick?
<Guest 56> :P
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<MagiChau85> that would be pretty impossible to go perfect division elim
<Guest 56> that would be an alliance ...
<Guest 56> 67, 341, 469 ?
<alecmataloni111> We have =)
<JacobP79> wouldnt 1114 have been 32-0
<alecmataloni111> @magichau
<thefro526> 32 and o
<Stogi> oh lol 24 elim wins
<thefro526> just corrected my self
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<MagiChau85> hmm
<grimtuesday> they lost 2 in a row
<Guest 56> 2-2 in einstein
<jimzondag> done in 2 in finals
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<grimtuesday> really tragic finals
<MagiChau85> that stuck robot really sucked
<kellenhill1625> if only 3138 wouldn't have gotten stuck in the goal
<jimzondag> last year it was 6:00 pm on Friday
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<andybaker45> yeah, I remember that, it was right during the new VEX game unveil
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<alecmataloni111> ^^^Hahahahahha
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<alecmataloni111> WOnder if that was done on purpose...
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<andybaker45> Jim - good job at MSC, it was good to see you, albeit breifly
<JacobP79> Wow Andy Baker is here, that cool
<jimzondag> no, I think it was coincidence, but it was kind of funny to see all the vex staff checking on thier phones during the unviel
<grimtuesday> good call guys
<jimzondag> Thanks Andy, see you soon
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