Tonight was fun, thanks to everyone who listened, there were a ton of people!
Here’s the chat log for anyone that wants it:
The recording has started.
<mrroboto2826> 2826 liked 2009 a little...
<BrendanB> new control system... bad game
<chrisisme> i liked winning with 2826 in 2009
<BrianSmist> I had a good time in 2009
<Guest 38> I think this year is one of the first years that teams overestimated the difficulty of scoring
<rsisk101> sisk is 2493
<connorworley1538> our experiences with DSCs from 2009 has been very bad
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<Guest 41> Hi drost!
<BrianSmist> and 4124
<chrisisme> our experiences with DSCs from any year has been very bad
<connorworley1538> ^
<SabreBytes772> Sisk I wanna meet you at champs
<chrisisme> they have cost us multiple regionals in one way or another
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<connorworley1538> lost semi 2-2 and 2-3 at SD due to back to back sidecar failures
<wing1002> I've burned 2 DSC's
Payne_TW is logged into the chat
phantom_1986 has left the chat
phantom_1986 is logged into the chat
<thefro526> gotta love that DSC failure.
<Payne_TW> Logging in for the first time in a year was an adventure
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<lexanator5> but it can beat most teams if it is good
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<connorworley1538> 4-2 and 4-3*
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<lexanator5> 2481 is great
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<wing1002> there's the hybrid ground feeder too
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<wing1002> teams like 1986 that prefer to cycle but pickup during auto
<Guest 39> 2056&67
<Guest 47> 1986's pickup is designed specifically for auto, so they understandably don't use it much in teleop
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<Payne_TW> Alliances still have total disc point ceilings from behind the wall
<connorworley1538> ground pickup with auto should clear quals the easiest
<Guest 41> 7 disc auto will win einstien
<Payne_TW> and FCSes that aren't great at 3s but do 2s are really disadvantaged
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<joeyeah> anyone that can get more than 3 discs in auto will seed higher because auto is so important in ranking
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<Guest 39> especially with fewer matches
<Alpha1986> True, it is designed for auto... But the driver put in some amazing practice sessions with it this week.
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<Baselthe2nd> No one who can only do one thing is going to make Einstein. Even as a 3rd 'bot.
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<wing1002> Drivetrain
<wing1002> and driver
<Guest 41> 6 CIMs
<Guest 47> minibot
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<Baselthe2nd> (specifically pure FCS or pure cycler)
<Woolly> I wouldn't be surprised if Titanium added a powered roller to their collector too.
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<thadFRC4488> The middle seeds are going to be so random at championships this year
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<Payne_TW> pure cyclers will "cover the difference" of the other 2 robots.
<Guest 54> I dont think a pure cycler will win champs, unless as a 3rd pick, they need to be more versatile
<connorworley1538> FCS robots still have big targets on their backs during quals... they need a support robot to be effective
Bryan33 is logged into the chat
<Guest 41> multiple teams have gotten 7
<lexanator5> 868 almost did 7
appleaday1 is logged into the chat
<wing1002> @54, 610 and 11 and 245 and vqarious others will surprise
<phantom_1986> Surprises are fun woolly
<Guest 43> Will we see a backup called on Einstein just to change the game?
<thadFRC4488> Shooting Pyramid from the floor could be good too with cyclers
<Woolly> That they are
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samuelgmills11 is logged into the chat
<samuelgmills11> ok actual account now
<SabreBytes772> is it legal to call a back up if you don't techincally need it??
<wing1002> 2169
<thadFRC4488> 67
<KevinShi469> 67
<Guest 38> I think calling a backup just to change strategy isn't very GP
<Guest 43> Well its legal to call it in for damaged robot
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<samuelgmills11> wether or not you needit is up to you
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<connorworley1538> ideal last pick: autonomous, very good driving, climber
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<Payne_TW> Full-court shooters are magnets
<Guest 39> is a random choice for backup robot from your divisional finalist, right?
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<thefro526> Full court shooter being a magnet is why they're awesome.
BrendanB is logged into the chat
<Guest 43> Well if you need a blocker on Einstien i think id risk the divisional finalist
<thefro526> you know where the d-bot is headed.
<Guest 55> To all defensive teams at the CMP....avenge ussssssssssssssssss
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<Baselthe2nd> yeah, but I think the backup order is determined before you call in the backup
<Guest 22> It is silly to think ANYONE can be a blocker
<SabreBytes772> do you have the choice of which robot to use if you need a back up?
<Guest 43> You dont know what team it will be
<nlknauss> agree
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<Guest 39> predetermined would lend to shenanigans -- i'd think not
<SabreBytes772> oh kk
<Guest 43> No you do not have a choice it is randomly selected
<Guest 61> is this call about making money?
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<Payne_TW> Cyclers will play a role when Full-Court shooters can get covered by a team
<Guest 60> But /if/ the full court shooter makes it to the goal, I'd still want to block them somehow.
<Payne_TW> and the cycler goes unnoticed
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<BrendanB> I think the beauty of 2013 is there are so many teams who shoot
<samuelgmills11> Look at michigan and MAR, 24 pick is still a really good cycler
<Guest 40> stop with the "i thinks"- ultimate ascent has been full of surprises
<Lowebrass469> Thanks Ri3D
<Guest 39> 3rd bot has to knock down his auton
<Guest 60> Brenden, so many shooting teams, but so many of them don't stick out
<joeyeah> a FCS and cyclers can empty the station out quick regardless of blocking
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<connorworley1538> surprises? the game has been following the same trends since week 1
<SabreBytes772> there are few good FCS.
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<BrendanB> Depends what regional you attended but at Champs will be full of teams who can shoot 3 in autonomous.
<Guest 40> what? absolutely not
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<Guest 40> with alliance selections? - absolutely not
<Lowebrass469> @772 there's enough of them that they'll be relevant through all of CMP
<BrendanB> This is the first year in a long time where most teams we are allied with can play offense well
<phantom_1986> This is very much a drivers game
<Guest 43> There hasnt been surprises but there are many different positional games that could be played
<samuelgmills11> This is a fun drivers game haha
<Guest 22> If you cant average 2.5 in auto, I'm not sure you will get picked
<wing1002> like last year?
<Lowebrass469> What if 10/10 defense denies a robot 70 points?
alecmataloni111 is logged into the chat
<Tani560> Yea defiantly! Hey 11 I am the driver from 245
Guest 66 is logged into the chat
<alecmataloni111> Hey guys.
<Guest 40> 2012- two good shooters- triple balance bot
2007- two good scorers, ramp bot
2008- two shooters, lap.defense bot
this game has had such a variety of
<Guest 40> alliance
<Guest 40> s
<Guest 39> defiantly != definitely !!!
<samuelgmills11> Hey Tani, what division are you in?
<connorworley1538> 8/10 denies 56, a loss of 14 denial points for 18 auto points
<connorworley1538> :P
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<Guest 60> Third pick is going to be a higher seeding 4+ cycler with auton.
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<Tani560> its actually Tanay but Galileo
robodude03 is on the call
<Guest 43> Thats how you decide who to take, do the math
<KevinShi469> ta nay nay!
Stogi is logged into the chat
<chrisisme> I wouldn't say the third pick will always be a pure cycler
<Guest 19> MSC?
<phantom_1986> Ontario blitzkrieg is an viable strategy this year.
<SabreBytes772> IMO it should be our total match scores that should be the tie breaker. your robot design shouldn't change rankings
<chrisisme> a bit of redundancy
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<Tani560> haha yea kevin is right
<Guest 54> Michigan State Champs
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<joeyeah> i saw 2789 has 3 disc auto and plays REALLY good defense i think they might be picked earlier contrary to popular belief
<sportzkrazzy> center line block? will it exist?
<Guest 38> I love how Ontario blitkrieg is now a strat
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<samuelgmills11> Aw man was hoping to drive with you again. Guess we will see each other on Einstein
<Guest 43> center line block will exist
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<wing1002> rather than a center line block
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<thefro526> Center Line Block does exist.
<wing1002> it'll be a race to the centerline
<Guest 60> What about 45+ point climbers? Where do they stand?
<Guest 72> Greetings
<Guest 54> Center line block will exist heavily
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<Woolly> There's going to be some lower ranked 5-disc auto bots that will be the 3rd bot to 2 floor pickup-less bots.
<BrendanB> Don't tell your drivers they are down...
<Tani560> hshs cant wait!
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<Guest 22> The question about 2789 isn't how early they will get picked, but IF they get picked
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<Stogi> There are teams with center line block autons
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<samuelgmills11> Team 11 haha
<KevinShi469> archimedes <3
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<Guest 68> ^^ agreed about 2789
<BrendanB> ARCHI
<wing1002> 469.
<Guest 38> MEDES
<Guest 65> e bunker
<joeyeah> im pretty sure they will be picked because of how immense there D is
Guest 78 is logged into the chat
<Guest 54> I see only 30 pt climbers that are slow will not be picked in elims
<sportzkrazzy> lol done
<joeyeah> it is like nothing ive seen for 2013
<samuelgmills11> 469 is the best team in archimedes
<sportzkrazzy> just the poofs
<alecmataloni111> ^^^^
<Tani560> agreed!
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<AndrewLawrence> They were running manual climbs at SVR
<Guest 65> 46 is the best team no one talks aboot
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DavidCarr3309 is logged into the chat
<Payne_TW> The bottom 12 robots that make each division eliminations are hard to predict this year
<Guest 54> 469>254
<samuelgmills11> 11
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<connorworley1538> Top 25 teams based on Elo rating:
<KevinShi469> 987
<connorworley1538> 469 > All
<Guest 43> 469 over 254 any day
<SabreBytes772> they're in curie
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<Tani560> 469 is the best
<wing1002> 5469 > all
<Guest 67> any prediction on Newton?
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<SabreBytes772> 469 will be way better at champs too
<Lowebrass469> the climb is way too valuable ._.
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<KevinShi469> 466 is my favorite..
<KrazyCarl92> 987
<gregor_907> archimedes teams based someone on proness
<Guest 54> I think a combination of 469, 254, 987, and 5469 will win archemedes
<gregor_907> somewhat*
<Stogi> I predict Newton might be 1538 + 1986
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<Guest 65> 379 is taking it allllllllllllllllllllllll
<Guest 43> that climb will not be as valuable
<KrazyCarl92> 254>>>>higher point ceiling
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<samuelgmills11> 5469 <3
<connorworley1538> @stogi definitely a really good auton combo
<alecmataloni111> 469
<gregor_907> 469
<joeyeah> yeah because then they can get the 90 pnt auto
<wing1002> 469
<AndrewLawrence> 1538+1986 are going to take Newton.
<Lowebrass469> 1334
<Guest 43> you dont risk a last second climb
<alecmataloni111> or 987
<gregor_907> totally picks 469
<Guest 67> what is third pick for Newton?
<Stogi> 469
<sportzkrazzy> how do you work on it is the better question
<samuelgmills11> 469 any day
<wing1002> sup Stogi
<Stogi> Hey Wing
<thadFRC4488> its between 469 or 987
<samuelgmills11> 469 is the best bot in the division
<Stogi> 469 edges out 987 IMO
<Guest 54> 469 and 67 were the best 2 at MSC
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<Guest 65> Nick Lawrence says hi from the LAX airport terminal, y'all.
<joeyeah> if there was a FCS left that wasnt picked that could be third pick for newton
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<wing1002> 469 is fast
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<samuelgmills11> Hi Nick!
<connorworley1538> 469 is best in the world
<Guest 87> 1310 here
<Stogi> I think Newton could be 1986 + 3476 as well
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<Guest 19> 469 can fcs too
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<Guest 38> Im 1334
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<Payne_TW> 469 makes me cry manly tears of admiration
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<Guest 54> 469 doesnt like to FCS
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<Guest 43> 469 will be on Einstein
<Guest 65> He says you should all text him and spam his facebook right now
<Guest 38> but I'm to lazy to make an account
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<joeyeah> basically 1986 with a pickup will domnate newton, but some FCS alliances may trump out anyway and make up for it, you never know
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<KevinShi469> rawr gorilla :P
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<Guest 65> because he is bored and has like 4 more hours to wait
<alecmataloni111> after 2011, i'm not sure how well 254 and 469 would play together... xD
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<Guest 54> I agree 469 will only lose if 254, 987 team up and 469 gets crap for an alliance partner
<wing1002> I'm predicting 1986 and 1538
<Guest 39> 469 + is can shoot from a lot of positions on the field
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<Stogi> 469 wont get a crap alliance partner
jlmcmchl is logged into the chat
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<Guest 68> i think he meant for quals
<Guest 40> 987>469>254
<Guest 96> have they talked about galileo yet?
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<joeyeah> well 1986 is gonna come to a very important decision, 2 more discs in auto, or a shower of frisbees in teleop
<chrisisme> ACGN is the order
<gregor_907> 254>469>987, sorry
<Guest 19> 254>469>987
<Payne_TW> 40, you for real bud?
<Guest 97> 987 has a scary feeder and auto mode, however, they aren't always on their A game
<Guest 47> Just Archi so far
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<connorworley1538> 469>254>987 is 254 gets their auto solid
<Baselthe2nd> Archimedes has good enough teams that there'll be more than 1 great alliance. 987+469 could lose.
<connorworley1538> if*
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robodude03 is logged into the chat
<Guest 67> there is lot of full court on Newton
<Guest 40> 987 had MAJOR comm issues in vegas (not their fault)
<gregor_907> joey, 1986 doesn't pick up off the floor other than auto
<Guest 39> 987 is serious real deal this year -- they do FCS too iric
<gregor_907> so I think the choice is obvious
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<connorworley1538> yes 987 has had FCS since san diego
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<Guest 47> 1986 will sometimes grab a couple discs off the ground at the end of a match
<Guest 54> I think there could be a mediocre team that gets #1 seed, picks 469, 469 denies and doesnt get a good alliance
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<Guest 97> Coming from 987's alliance parter @ Vegas, their robot has a lot of potential and they are certainly able to get to Einstein. They can do cycling
<thefro526> 987 is no Joke.
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<Guest 40> gregor- doesnt mean they cant!- maybe theyre saving it
<Guest 97> And they can also do cycling and FCS
<BrendanB> 987 plays a smart FCS they don't go for it immediately but they do it when you least expect it
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<joeyeah> they were very successful with 1806 however
<SabreBytes772> 469 will be better at champs i bet.
<gregor_907> They have done it before, when they run out of disks
<Guest 43> What will 1114 bring new to champs?
<Guest 98> well if you are playing mantoman, they should always be chased by someone
<Guest 97> They can go and do FCS, and then go and cycle around the defender when they need to
<gregor_907> but they don't normally FCS
<SabreBytes772> nothing new for 1114 i think
<SabreBytes772> no weight
<gregor_907> Guest, 1114 will bring 1 more cycle
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<Stogi> I don't think 1114 will bring something new
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<Guest 97> They dont like going FCS, they think they can do more cycling, but the thing is, they have to be blocked when they go FCS
<SabreBytes772> okay yea probably more ccles
<wing1002> 1114 will be the first pick
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<gregor_907> I can bet they have been spending night after night
<Guest 67> 1114 and 2056 are not together this year will be interesting to see
<Guest 98> basically anyone with a ground pickup
joeblay694 is logged into the chat
<Stogi> Archi has great floor loaders
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<SabreBytes772> they aren't usually together at champs
<alecmataloni111> like 1918
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<BrendanB> #ArchimedesClimbers
<wing1002> 1114 and 2056 have only been together in 2009 and 2012
<Guest 54> 1114 will bring and attach a floor pickup
<alecmataloni111> **1918's alliance at MSC
<lexanator5> so who does that 7th 7 disk pick? no 7 disc autons left
Guest 111 is logged into the chat
<Guest 98> i'm sure the first three alliances will have dual ground pickup alliance who will fight for those center discs
<Guest 47> 1114 has no weight at all. They can't even powdercoat the rest of their robot
<Guest 109> Dare I ask, which divisions have been talked about?
<Guest 67> 4 years in the roll lol
<Guest 108> what division are they talking about?
<Guest 19> 33's lights are awe inspiring haha
<Guest 43> Guest 54 do you know what 1114 weighs?
<SabreBytes772> 1114 will NOT have a flor pick up. I will bet my team on that.
<Guest 38> I can guarantee you that 1114 is not bringing a floor pickup
<Guest 39> just ARCHI so far
<Stogi> 2590 has slightly inconsistent autons
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<Guest 109> Thanks 39
<Guest 54> I dont think 2 floor pickup specialists can win on einstein.
<Stogi> And that's speaking about them as a fan
<Guest 38> they weigh like 117 lbs
<SabreBytes772> 1114 has no weight or room
OliviaGifford1094 is logged into the chat
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<Guest 63> 1114 will put on the floor pickup on einstein
<Guest 43> Ill bet everything to my name that they wont bring a floor pickup
<Guest 57> 1114 weighed 119.7 lbs at Waterloo, iirc
<wing1002> in archi theres 254, 469, 987, 33, 2590, 2415 as 7 discers
<Guest 39> 1114 point density is astounding
<Payne_TW> 1114 is a top robot without anything added
<Bryan33> 33 cycles. We did it most of the time at MSC.
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<Guest 43> 1114 weighs 120lbs
<Stogi> Wing you're missing a few
<Stogi> 3310
<Guest 67> I like 1114 and 254 climber
<Guest 38> they also don't need one, they can put up 116 points every match
<wing1002> oh shoot
<Guest 97> 1114 doesn't need to do a floor pickup, but since they don't they wont be rank 1 thanks to do multi disk auto
<Guest 43> plus not adding it till einstien will be stupid
<Stogi> 379
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<Baselthe2nd> 2415 does a 7-disc?
<samuelgmills11> scrums are the worst
<Guest 111> 1796 did great in SBPLI
<sportzkrazzy> 801
<Guest 19> einstein winners = 2 hybrid fcs(eg 469)+ strong drivetrain cycler
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jtemple has hung up
<Stogi> According to Sean, 2415 does 7 disc
<Payne_TW> 2415 did 7 discs sometimes in DC, it was confusing
<Guest 97> Has anyone thought of doing 2x FCS?
<wing1002> they did it at DC
jtemple has left the chat
<joeblay694> theirs doesnt seem to work with 7 discers though
<Guest 111> whats FCS?
<chrisisme> full court shooter
<Guest 97> FCS= Full court Shooter/shooting
<Guest 111> oh! Thanks!
<Payne_TW> I hope they can avoid that awful thing that happened i nthe DC finals
<connorworley1538> 2xFCS will have a hard time in auto
<Payne_TW> that was pretty crappy
<Stogi> Funnel Cake Shooters
<wing1002> aye
<Guest 43> 1114 will have a trick you just wait
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<Guest 54> I think 3 60' FCS will win on einstein # sarcasm
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<Woolly> I feel like for 2 FCSs to work well together they both need to be hybrids.
<Lowebrass469> @guest97 the second alliance did at Detroit district.
<samuelgmills11> HI DROST
<KrazyCarl92> scouting the division if 316 falls to round two that alliance should win...
<Guest 97> How did 2x FCS turn out?
<Guest 19> einstein will not have a 2 disc autoer at all.
<Guest 67> you just need a FCS, pick up from floor, and one defend then you will be good to go
<alecmataloni111> 9 disk auto!!!
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<Stogi> Where do people think the top pure cyclers will be? Such as 126, 868, 11, etc
<Guest 38> 1114's trick will be to continue putting up a crazy amount of points
<Guest 111> As long as there isnt a defending bot fro the fcs, they should od fine with only 1
<KevinShi469> In detroit it was 314 and 1701 as FCS
<Guest 54> 254
<Guest 54> 245
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Alpha1986 is logged into the chat
<wing1002> I think 11 will be one of the top picks in archi
<Guest 97> I didn't see detroit, so how did it turn out?
<Payne_TW> are they talking archi or gali?
<wing1002> maybe on the 3 or 4 seed alliance
<Stogi> 245 too
<gregor_907> archi
<Guest 98> non ground pickups in this division have to make a back up to center line auton to stop those extra discs from getting scored
<Baselthe2nd> I just do not like pure cycling as a strategy. You have to be great against defense, which most drivers aren't.
<KevinShi469> @stogi I think they'll be on a very strong 3rd/4th
<samuelgmills11> akash 245 is not on archi
michaelblake3481 is logged into the chat
Guest 118 is logged into the chat
<KevinShi469> depends on who seeds first
<Guest 111> Team 1796 will be in Archi, and were scared!
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Alpha1986 has left the chat
<Payne_TW> 245 is on gali
<Stogi> Sam I'm saying in general
<Payne_TW> D:
<Guest 111> It will be a great comp in archi
<Guest 38> guys 118 is here :P
<Guest 29> If a FCS could also cycle ontop of shooting across the field, they will increase their value to the alliance
<joeblay694> they've done a 5 disc
<Baselthe2nd> How about 3310?
<Guest 98> i would say 11 and 868 are pretty good against strong defense
<Guest 67> like your video 118
<alecmataloni111> 525 does floor?
<Guest 111> 118 has a really great bot. I think half of us wanted to quit when we saw 118's robot
Alpha1986 is logged into the chat
<KrazyCarl92> 1902?
<Stogi> 525 does floor
<Stogi> 1902 does floor
<Stogi> 3310
<Stogi> 379
<sportzkrazzy> 1902 doesnt do floor
<Guest 97> Which field are they covering?
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<Stogi> I thought they do?
<Baselthe2nd> I haven't seen 11/868 in particular, but cyclers automatically subject themselves to defense, so unless you beat it immediately, you lose a lot of tim
<Payne_TW> 379 is good when they finally get their 7 disc in the groove
<thefro526> Galileo
<sportzkrazzy> they have it but they cycle
<Guest 109> 3310 is smart
<Guest 19> archi
<lexanator5> are we going to talk about anything but auton?
<wing1002> 2415
<BrendanB> 1902 has floor pickup in their robot manual
<Payne_TW> it took them forever at DC for it to work
<samuelgmills11> Defence can get out of town
<Guest 39> anybody has a chance to seed first with thr right schedule!
<KevinShi469> 365?
<Guest 47> Galileo?
<Guest 98> anyone in this division can seed first with how random their schedules can turn out
<Guest 19> This game is won in auton, so no
<Stogi> 1902 says they have a floor pickup
<BrendanB> Could be a champs addition
<Guest 40> EXACLT 39
<wing1002> archimedes
<Guest 97> 2403 has a floor pickup and is working on their multi disc auto, dunno if they have it or not
<Guest 67> seem not so many talk about Newton
<joeblay694> they have picked up discs
<wing1002> 973 picked up discs
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<Guest 47> ok, thought it was still Archi, though someone said gali
<Guest 98> we're just talking about Archi right now
Guest 111 is on the call
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<Guest 67> oh ok
<Guest 97> oh
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<Payne_TW> probably going alphabetical as well so curie is next
<sportzkrazzy> 1902 cycles
Guest 111 has hung up
<joeyeah> 973's bot is sooo cool looking
<sportzkrazzy> they have it but they dont use it
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<sportzkrazzy> they are good at it too
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<Guest 98> i think too many floor pickups in 1 place will just clutter and slow each other down
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<Guest 43> #solid
<Lowebrass469> fear Mount Olive
<wing1002> get your hashtags out of here
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<samuelgmills11> #sofriction
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<wing1002> :P
<sportzkrazzy> yes
<Guest 72> such nasa
<connorworley1538> watch 968 to see how to play with a FCS:
<Stogi> 868 is real solid
<wing1002> 11's driver is good
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<Stogi> 126 really solid as well
<KevinShi469> 868 loads so fast
<Guest 98> 868 loads really fast!
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<Payne_TW> MECANUM?!?!
<lexanator5> They have a system that lets them get discs in quickly
<Woolly> Mecanum.
<Payne_TW> Chief Delphi hivemind activate!
<joeblay694> 4265 very impressive
<Baselthe2nd> Chris praising a mecanum team.. what?
<Stogi> 4265 insanely impressive for 2nd year
<wing1002> there are teams that can do mecanum
<Guest 98> good? mecanum?
<wing1002> 2974 has done mecanum for 3 years and they've mastered it
EvanHochstein is logged into the chat
<Guest 47> 1806 is mecanum, too, right?
<Stogi> 3467 has a very smart overall team
<Guest 89> 868 doesn't have mecanum
<Stogi> very good strategically
<Woolly> 1806 is indeed mecanum.
<BrendanB> Thanks Stogi!
<Guest 82> 2974 is awesome.
<IndySam> 4265 has trouble against defence
<lexanator5> 1806 is
<BrendanB> We have more tricks up our sleeves!
<Stogi> 701 is an interesting cycler
<Guest 47> 1806 doesn't play in the open field, though, so it doesn't effect them much I guess
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<Woolly> We did quite a bit of cycling in Oklahoma
<Stogi> Did you guys discuss 1334 already?
<KevinShi469> not yet
<Stogi> Chris mention 1334
<Guest 62> 1334
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<Stogi> They deserve a shoutout
<Guest 111> Someone mention 1796?
<Guest 38> thanks, stogi
<Guest 40> 1334 was #25 on the top 25
<wing1002> 1334 is really good
<Stogi> the Top 25 is a peer vote, it doesnt matter
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<joeblay694> 236 is money
<KrazyCarl92> 948
<Guest 40> so?
<Stogi> 2016 potential darkhorse
<alecmataloni111> 71 is an awesome 2nd round pick
<SabreBytes772> 1334 won calgary and finalists against 1114 and 2056....
<SabreBytes772> they're good.
<Guest 72> They were really good when I saw them in person, and I don't vote
<gregor_907> 51 and 71 being dark horses, that sounds strange
<KrazyCarl92> 236 can be pushed around like crazy
<wing1002> 71 would get to elims on name alone
<joeyeah> but they climmmmmb
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<gregor_907> 18 auto, 4 cycles, 50 point climb for 1334
<Guest 47> 1334 climbs and dumps faster than 1114
<joeblay694> 71 will get into elims off of their bot being really good
<KevinShi469> passive dumping w/ their climb
<KrazyCarl92> they dont climb if theyre pinned in a corner
<wing1002> 71 is a slower version of 1114 minus the dump
<alecmataloni111> i can see 71 on the 8th seed alliance
<Guest 100> someone talked about 3990?
<alecmataloni111> maybe.
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<Stogi> ARKA
<alecmataloni111> somewhere around there
<Guest 111> 1796
<Guest 38> I was timing our driver at western canadian and he was doing 15 second cycles
<Stogi> MEDIES
<Guest 98> yes
<Stogi> ARKO
<Guest 98> that's a must have in this division
<KrazyCarl92> also 694
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<wing1002> arkameaties
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<Baselthe2nd> I could see an alliance or two without a pickup. I don't think any would make the semifinals..
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<wing1002> 2056, 67, 1717
<joeblay694> thanks carl, we'll do our best to live up to your shoutout lol
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<joeyeah> 1717
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<joeyeah> will most certainly be picking
<connorworley1538> wow canada so north
<Baselthe2nd> Canadian webcasts so nice
<joeyeah> oh nvm
<Stogi> Curie is a very strange field
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<wing1002> curie has power names... then drops into a very big midfle tier
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<wing1002> middle*
<thadFRC4488> Curie is going to be very weird on the back half of the serpintine
<Guest 38> that whole 17 regional wins thing is pretty big
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<Baselthe2nd> Not very many great autons in Curie.
<wing1002> 2056's driver has won 9 blue banners
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<Woolly> Strong Canada for #1 seed?
<SabreBytes772> she has won 93% of her matches
<Guest 98> true statement
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<connorworley1538> #justwin
<wing1002> it just wins
<Stogi> Agreed
<wing1002> no questions
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<Guest 88> opinions on 1477?
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<Baselthe2nd> 2056 > 1114, /as usual/
<Guest 98> 2056 w/ 67 is a strong alliance!
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<wing1002> 1477 is strong
<Guest 38> #losingisnotanoption
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<wing1002> probably just behind 118
<Guest 98> #ballsohard
<Guest 54> 2056 w/ 67 could win einstein
<samuelgmills11> 2056 with 67 would make me cry lol
<Guest 39> and it is fast
<Stogi> hey Chris be sure to shout out 1310 and 3539, i know our fantasy FIRST team had trouble deciding between those two as our first pick
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<joeyeah> 2056 is better than 118 i wold say
<Baselthe2nd> 67 absolutely requires a blocker.
<Guest 54> climp 11/12 times in qual matches i think
<SabreBytes772> 2056 is way better the 118
<Guest 39> absolutely
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<Guest 98> 2056 will make a ground loader on a different alliance play defense against them
<joeyeah> 67 isnt very tall either so they jstu need to be blcked
<wing1002> no one said they weren't, sabrebytes
<wing1002> i was comparing 1477 to 118
<KevinShi469> 67 can cycle and climb still
<SabreBytes772> #poolnoodles
<Guest 54> 67 w/ a great floor loader (3539, 359, etc) could beat a 2056 alliance
<Woolly> I hate pool noodles.
<Baselthe2nd> Blocking 67 is not hard. They have to have an offensive lineman. A really good one.
<SabreBytes772> what about peacock? they're not pool noodles
<Guest 98> 67 just needs to fix that drivetrain bug they had at MSC
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<Guest 88> i can imagine is 118 and 1114 get together they will go far..
<Lowebrass469> @Guest98 it's fixed already
<Guest 135> defense is an excellent strategy this year
<Guest 54> 67 can cycle 4/5 in a match as well, they take a defender, etc
<wing1002> if 2056 seeds first and doesn't pick 67, that will surprise all ofus
<Stogi> I think 2145 will be the surprise in this division
<thadFRC4488> 67 and 2056 are going to have targets on their head all weekend
<Guest 98> @Lowebrass469 that's great to hear! i'm excited for them
<wing1002> i think 1503 will be a surprise to everyone
<SabreBytes772> 67 and 2056 will always have tagets on their backs...
<KevinShi469> Match 3 Finals is the jam
<Guest 22> They got blocked at MSC because 2054 broke down so they became the fullback instead of 2337, who was blocking 217 well
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<Baselthe2nd> 2145 is easy to overlook. You could be right, Stogi.
<SabreBytes772> 1503 needs more practice and they'll be good but not amazing
<wing1002> 1717 is awesome
<Guest 54> I say 148 > 1717
<Guest 63> 1717 and their crazy swerve...
<joeyeah> ehhhhhhhhhhhh
<SabreBytes772> no. you can not say 148 is better then 1717...
<Guest 98> only reason why 2056 will lose in quals is if they get overpowered defense against them
<wing1002> 1717 is just tooo good
<Stogi> 1717>148
<SabreBytes772> no body can play D on 2056. NO BODY!
<Guest 98> 1717, dat bot
<wing1002> their driver just needs to be more confident
<Guest 97> 1717 can't be defended against
<Guest 88> hate to say but 1717>148
<Guest 97> Its just scary
<Guest 97> Swerve under the pyramid
<Guest 88> 148 is so inconsistent
<Guest 39> 1717 >> 148 ...
<Guest 38> not even peacock can play D on 2056
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<connorworley1538> 118>1717>148
<SabreBytes772> nope...
<SabreBytes772> Unless they can block in fron o pyramid but idk
<AndrewLawrence> What Connor said ^
<Guest 54> It is hard to play D on 1717
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<wing1002> i'm not sure if 118 > 1717...
<Lowebrass469> 148 is such a different bot why try to compare haha
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<Guest 47> 148 is a risky pick. They can tip or fall off the pyramid, and their big feature is the full court shooter, which is blockable.
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<Guest 54> If you don't block 148, you lose
<Baselthe2nd> I'd probably take 1717 over 118
<Guest 109> 148 doesn't fall off the pyramid anymore...
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<Guest 39> harder block on 148 fcs, as it is pretty high up
<wing1002> 148
<KevinShi469> 3539?
<Guest 54> But 1717 is more consistant
<Guest 39> still -- wasn't that accurate at SVR
<KevinShi469> 359
<Guest 54> 3539 is great
<Guest 47> 148 also doesn't go for 30 anymore either
<joeyeah> if 148 was a LITTLE more accurate at FCS they would be the pick over 1717
<Stogi> 3539 and 1310
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<wing1002> i'd still go for 1717 over 148
<Guest 47> no matter what, 84>60, so a FCS is blockable
<chrisisme> both of them are coming akash
<Guest 38> 1310 is very good
<Guest 109> Right, and because they don't go for 30 they don't fall off anymore.
<SabreBytes772> 1717 and 148 will likely pair up
<Guest 54> 3539 is slightly inconsistant in their auton tho
<wing1002> 7 disc, one of the fastest floor pickups, and just so good
<SabreBytes772> unless 1717 or 1310 get a centerline auto
<Guest 38> accurate FCS and ground pickup
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<Stogi> I love 3539 idk why
<lexanator5> so, wait who are the 3 best then?
<gregor_907> 359 was running 3 1v3
<Lowebrass469> @772 I wouldn't be surprised if they both already had it
<wing1002> 3 best in curie: 2056, 67, 1717
<gregor_907> they should have won their last regional
<KevinShi469> @stogi that indexer is so pretty
<Stogi> Agreed
<Stogi> Just a clean machine
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<Guest 54> 3539!!!
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<SabreBytes772> i don't think 1310 has it
<Guest 98> 2056/67 vs 1310/148
<SabreBytes772> may be 1717 has it
<Guest 97> Nah, michigan you lose with 180pts, not jsut 160
<AndrewLawrence> 1310 is gonna win, and so is the FF team who chose them. Just saiyen.
<Guest 97> just
<Guest 19> Haha people trying to compete with Michigan
<Guest 98> their robot name fits it so perfectly
<AndrewLawrence> Shut up Aaron they're your FF team.
<Guest 19> Nah, in michigan you lose with 200 points
<KevinShi469> michigan you lose with 192 points P
<Tani560> Haha we lost with 192 points in the elim
<KevinShi469> :P
<Tani560> haha thanks kevin
<Guest 69> QF 1-1 was so intense
<Guest 98> 1310 almost got away with first seed there
<Guest 54> 1918 is the most dangerous though
<Guest 69> *2-1
<Lowebrass469> Also 1310 the only team to beat 2056, TWICE!
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<Stogi> 1918 is inconsistent from what i can see
<Guest 38> 1310 is a hybrid FCS as well
<Guest 39> 1918 has good upside, but way inconsistent
<Guest 19> 469 wut were you thinking with no blocker in F-1
<Stogi> ^
<Guest 47> So many 4-digit teams, I like it
<Lowebrass469> @Guest19 not our choice :P
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<gregor_907> 3539's auto us so impressive. 7 disk auto with a 1 disk wide intake
<samuelgmills11> #solid
DavidCarr3309 is logged into the chat
<gregor_907> the little half turns
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<Guest 19> $@#$@#$@#$@# chickens eh?
<Stogi> 3539 does a cute wiggle
<Stogi> i love it
<Guest 54> 1918 = floor pickup, cycler, 50pt climb, its crazy, but they are inconsistant. If they pull it together, crazy dangerous
<wing1002> it would be cool to see the copioli's vs Freeman and Dan kimura
<Lowebrass469> Nah, they won us the tournament, can't complain too much
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<Guest 54> 3539 could surprise people
<wing1002> just strategywise who would win
<joeyeah> 3539 is sooooo good
<KevinShi469> that match 3 block maneuver over 2337, gotta give cred to those chickens
<Guest 39> had both Copiolis and Dan K at MSC
<Stogi> 193
<Guest 19> gah i just want to see MSC finals where everyone is fully operational
<samuelgmills11> lol Akash
<Guest 98> Archi winning strategy: floor loaders/cyclers
Curie winning strategy: floor loaders/fcs
<Stogi> 1310+3539+193
<alecmataloni111> 1310 3539 148
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<Baselthe2nd> I don't see how anyone could miss 3539.
<Guest 54> MSC finals with all operational, i would love to see, would've been amazing
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<Guest 19> 3539's bot looks so cool
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<Guest 54> Almost beat 67, 2054, 2337
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<Stogi> Is it time to discuss 1983 and the rest?
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Guest 148 is logged into the chat
<gregor_907> All the robots in 1918's alliance could score in the pyramid. How often does that happen
<KevinShi469> took it to an 11 point differential match 3
<wing1002> 1983 isgood
<Guest 69> what actually happened is that 2145 would shoot 4 colored and 3572 would dump in the pyramid
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<thadFRC4488> 1540 was good in oklahoma
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<Woolly> 1540 came out of nowhere
<Stogi> 1540 put out a new video of their autons
<KevinShi469> 98-87 becomes 102/107-98
<Guest 40> 3 regional wins!
<Guest 54> I think an 8 alliance with like 1918, 3538, and another team would be dangerous
<wing1002> 1983 is criminally underdiscussed
<Stogi> no 1540 didnt come out of nowhere lol
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<Stogi> they have a good recent history
<Baselthe2nd> You can mention 862 if you'd like. If you like cyclers, you like 862.
<KevinShi469> chickens op
<Guest 40> 1983 has THREE REGIONAL WINS
<KevinShi469> 862 cycles like lightning
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<thadFRC4488> 1983 is VERY good this year
<Woolly> Right, but as far as this year goes
<wing1002> not counting msc or MAR: 2056, 11114, 1983, 1986, 469, 118, and 33 are the only teams to go 3/3 in regional/districts this year
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<Woolly> We were pitted next to them in Oklahoma while they were making all those upgrades
<Guest 39> 2145 got hammered by 2337 at midfield and shook out all their discs
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iHawk469 is logged into the chat
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<Stogi> 1678
<Guest 100> 3990?
<Guest 69> 2337 has a husky drivetrain
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<Baselthe2nd> 2337's driver was actually a bit upset about that.
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<Guest 39> he didn't tip them
<Stogi> 234 is a solid cycler
<thadFRC4488> We have made a lot of good changes to our robot, and we have alot more pushing power now. plus our cycling is much faster
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<samuelgmills11> Does 2337 have two shooters on their bot, I can never tell?
<Baselthe2nd> It was a clean hit, but I believe 2145 suffered a fracture.
<Guest 39> yeh -- two at a time!
<Guest 69> i believe it's double barreled
<Stogi> 234 is pretty boss
thegeneral399 is logged into the chat
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<Guest 39> hmm didn't know there was damage in the hit
<lexanator5> 234 improved greatly between boilermaker and crossroads
<wing1002> someone's phone is ringing...
<Guest 72> 103 has to not be broken though
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<Guest 72> someone's phone is ringin!
<Guest 40> so are we gonna hear from any of the other callers?
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<Guest 98> 16 just like last year
<wing1002> dat ringtone
<Guest 39> avon calling!
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<Guest 149> 16 has been a pretty good team this year, but mostly useful as defense
<Guest 149> I don't trust mecanums for defense XD
<wing1002> 233 has a 7 disc
<Guest 149> *useful as support
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<wing1002> 16 doesn't have mecanum
<samuelgmills11> that surprised me, I wanted to see that climb
<Guest 39> 254 built two
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<Stogi> 16 has amazing mecanum yes
<Stogi> best mecanum ever
<Stogi> to exist
<wing1002> oh yea that amazing mecanum
<samuelgmills11> lol be quiet akash
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<Guest 149> Haha, they drive it well, definitely
<Stogi> #suchmecanu
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<Guest 47> I just don't like the look of pink metal against red or blue bumpers. Just doesn't look right.
<thadFRC4488> if 16 is good I hope they dont end up the 20th pick again
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<Payne_TW> 16: #suchmechenum
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<phantom_1986> If you played with them last year you knew it was a capability
<wing1002> tem 16: the boom sqad
<phantom_1986> swerve
<Lowebrass469> The trolls.
<samuelgmills11> That is akash
<connorworley1538> teh boom sqaq
<Guest 149> XD YES WING1002
<Stogi> #suchmecanum
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<Guest 88> Opinions on 1477?
<wing1002> uhh i didnt say that
<Guest 149> Stole it right out of my mouth
<wing1002> you did
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<joeyeah> 2485 is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
<Guest 149> bump on the topic of 1477.
<Stogi> Chris you mention 862 for pure cycler?
<Stogi> i didnt hear
<Guest 22> 1477 is poor mans 118 that seems to jam a bit too frequently
<wing1002> wait til galileo
<chrisisme> 862 did come up yeah
<Lowebrass469> 862 needs no mention, they'll prove themselves
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<chrisisme> 1477 will get a mention in their division
<Stogi> lol 1477 a poor man's 118??
<wing1002> 1477 got much better in week 6
<chrisisme> i wouldn't call them a "poor man's 118"
<thefro526> 862 was mentioned as a Cycler
<connorworley1538> required
<Stogi> Nah that's funny, I bet Tonthat would get a chuckle out of that
<Guest 88> 1477 fixed jam as displayed at 118 this weekend
<Guest 88> (mostly)
<wing1002> dat sentence gave me cancer
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Nick_Coussens is logged into the chat
<Guest 149> Yep, Torque fixed their jam issues for the most part
<wing1002> (not really0
<Guest 22> Fixed it and played matches?
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<Stogi> Fixed it and won Razorback
<Stogi> lmao
<Guest 149> ^lololol
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<Payne_TW> did 1477 fix their jam issues?
<wing1002> i bet if 624 were to raise the funds to go to razorback they would've won with 1477
<Guest 88> Yes
<Guest 22> I thought they still jammed a bit there. I didn't see them before that so I'm not sure how bad it was early.
<wing1002> but 624's hopper flipped the discs too much
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<Guest 47> 1477 has 3 qual losses over 4 events. Ridiculous.
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<Guest 141> anyone know what division they are discussing?
<Guest 109> Curie
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<wing1002> curie
<Guest 39> curie
<Guest 141> thanks
<Guest 88> have they done gali yet?
<wing1002> no
<KevinShi469> Arch Curi so far
<Guest 88> ah ok
<Guest 149> Not yet, unless I'm mistaken
<Guest 88> newton too?
<Stogi> Chris i'll toss out a random team i dont recall discussing 1678
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<Guest 109> Guest88 are you on 1477?
<Guest 149> GALI
<Guest 39> prob doing alphabet...
<wing1002> 118
<Payne_TW> #swagileo
<wing1002> 1114
<Guest 97> 1114/118/610
<Guest 38> it should just be called Canada
<Guest 141> did they discuss newton yet?
<Guest 97> Newton is last
<Guest 88> Yeah
<gregor_907> 1114, 118, 1477, 610
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<Stogi> Wil i hate you
<IndySam> duhhhh
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<Guest 109> I figured
<Guest 72> 'only team in the country'
<Guest 72> the world.
<Guest 88> Yep.
<Payne_TW> Get@mebro
<Guest 97> 1114 has had 7 cycles
<Baselthe2nd> 2169, 111...
<Guest 72>
<Guest 22> Dont sleep on 2169 gregor
<Guest 97> Does 50pt climb
<Guest 97> But only 3disc auto
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<Guest 47> 1114 + 1477, #teamIFI :P
<Guest 88> ^
<Guest 97> no 3 disc means not ranked 1
<Baselthe2nd> 111, 111, 111
<Lowebrass469> 7 cycles + climb?
<Guest 44> what do you guys think about FCS vs FCS elimnation matches? that could be a case in Galileo
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<Guest 97> Whats deal with 118's climb btw?
<gregor_907> Was this the first year 1477 was an IFI team
<DavidCarr3309> What happened to 118's 30pt climb?
<Guest 97> What do they do?
<Guest 149> Could be. There are a lot of great FCS teams in Gali.
<wing1002> 118 has won 3 regionals and been the first pick or first alliance captain every time
<Stogi> silken vallee
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<wing1002> 118 has no weight
<KevinShi469> I believe 118's climber was 20 pounds + too heavy
<KevinShi469> or something
<Guest 97> What does 118 do for their climber?
<Guest 109> They took it off
<Guest 149> 10 point.
<Guest 93> 111 for the name, but bot-wise they aren't top tier
<Guest 88> @ gregor yes this is the first year
<Stogi> 111 will be top tier at Champs
<Guest 97> They just do their 10pt then? Wow
<Stogi> people said that about 111 in 09 too
<Baselthe2nd> I believe in Wildstang
<wing1002> 610, 111, 125, 842
<Stogi> and in every year they won champs
<Payne_TW> 1477 and 1323 are wild cards
<Payne_TW> they can be good
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<Payne_TW> or really great
<Guest 149> 1477 won their own.
<gregor_907> 1477 is one of the top
<Stogi> I saw video of 1323 doing some pretty nice autons
<wing1002> same with 4334
<gregor_907> Share?
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<Stogi> I'm sure RC and crew will have them ready for Champs
<Guest 47> 1323 says they have both multi autons working
<joeyeah> 2485 is very close to max height but not quite
<Guest 22> Stogi, I'm still waiting for video of their super fast climber...:/
<Guest 47> 7 and center
<Guest 93> 111 has yet to show they can fix their jamming issue. Powerful team, but until they do..
<Baselthe2nd> As part of my obligation to lobby for Michigan teams, 2000, 245, 27...
<Stogi> Like I said, 111 has been sort of underwhelming other years, but then they go win champs
<rsisk101> Inland Emperor
<Guest 69> can confirm 2000 and 245 are scary
<Stogi> and are like "get at me"
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<wing1002> 245 is probably juyst behind 610 as best cycler in the division
<Guest 43> 111 will be top tier
<Guest 39> 2000 & 245 both pretty dangerous
<Stogi> 111 will be top tier
<Baselthe2nd> Sisk is already Emperor
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<wing1002> 2169 is nearly unstoppable
<connorworley1538> get@me&my#ejswag
<Guest 22> 2175 and 3528 may be better than 111
<Guest 93> it's still pure speculation
<KevinShi469> 245!
<Guest 97> What is so good about 1477? never seen them play
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<Guest 161> 1477 eats rookies for breakfast
<Guest 88> LOL
<Stogi> 125 is another team with a ton of potential at Champs
<Baselthe2nd> For most underrated Canadian teams, 4039
<Guest 149> 7 disc autonomous, FAST robot, cycler. 10 point climb at the end.
<Guest 43> but is that all they do?
<Payne_TW> 1114's MAX OPR doesn't really care about what the robot can't do
<Guest 47> 1477 7 discs and cycles or pickups, 10 point hang. Plus an elevator that they haven't used for anything, yet...
<Guest 88> Yet.
<Guest 149> Plus, LEDsssss
<wing1002> idk, 118 and 2056 are pretty darn close in floor pickup speed
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<Guest 161> 1477's elevator is the most crucial part of their robot
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<Guest 88> ^ no the LEDs
<Guest 39> points is points ... 1114 gets a good piece of the 30 colored disc points that are available
<chrisisme> #TEAMELEVATOR
<Guest 161> #teamelevator
<gregor_907> Anyone have any 1477 vid?
<Guest 109> 118's floor pick up isn't blazing fast...
<wing1002> 3 back to back events
<Guest 88> Go to the Texas Torque youtube channel
<Stogi> 125
<gregor_907> 1983 won 3 back to back regionals
<joeyeah> 125 murdered at Boston
<wing1002> 610, gaiz
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<Baselthe2nd> Whoooo wildstang
<Payne_TW> Torque competed in weeks 2, 4, 5, and 6
Drost has hung up
<Guest 39> wish the rest of the country had the video that you can see for MSC for example
<connorworley1538> 1 1 1 woldstong
<Guest 161> link for the lazy:
<Guest 47> 1477 12 week video. Not great match footage, but it's a video
<Guest 47>
<Guest 149> 610 definitely needs more recognition.
<Guest 39> be a lot easier to scout teams you've never seen before!
<Guest 98> 111 is very consistant
<Guest 149> *consistent
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<Guest 149> XD
<Guest 93> this year?
DIYGUY is on the call
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<Payne_TW> 4334 may not even make elims #conspiracy
<Guest 88>< 1477
<Guest 22> 4334 likely wont
<Baselthe2nd> 610 really does not need more recognition
<gregor_907> 4069 is meh
<Payne_TW> didn't even make seattle elims
<Guest 22> 2630, 610 is FCS
<Payne_TW> 610 and 245 are the best cyclers ever
<wing1002> 610, 245, 125
<Payne_TW> and in the same division
<Payne_TW> D:
<Guest 47> 610 might be FCS, might be floor pickup, you never know
<joeyeah> dont know if 125 would go that deep
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<Payne_TW> 610 will either be an alliance captain or a first pick of a floor cycler
<Guest 22> FCS: 2169
<Guest 22> as well as 610, 2630 and 2729
<Guest 43> Whats everyones take on VEX worlds the same time as FIRST champs next year?
<Drost> I don't think 1806 is two, because mecanum
<Baselthe2nd> I'd bet 610 is an alliance captain
<Guest 165> Talking a lot about Canadian teams
<wing1002> i'd have 2485 just behind 2169
<Drost> And you missed 1519
<Guest 47> VEX and FIRST need to get along.
<gregor_907> I don't see 610 seeding high, I see them being picked high
<Drost> and 225
<wing1002> vex and first do get along
<Guest 165> 610's floor pickup seemed a little flimsy - I'd say they would go more for a FCS
<Guest 149> 610 can definitely pull it off, depending on their match schedule and everything they've worked on in the past few weeks.
<gregor_907> Guest 165, that's because Canada is good =D
<joeyeah> 225 is plain dirty(good dirty)
<wing1002> JVn and Paul Copioli and Karthik are FIRST mentors
<Lowebrass469> @Guest47 and not plan things at the same time. RIP CMP next year :<
<Guest 43> vex and first kind of get along
<Guest 43> not totally
<Guest 149> really get along
<Baselthe2nd> More like FIRST needs to get along with VEX. I don't think VEX has any problems with FIRST.
<Guest 47> Yeah, but VEX is competing with them ever since FIRST started doing FTC
<Woolly> #mecanumhate
<alecmataloni111> Climber dumpers!
<Guest 141> newton now?
<Guest 39> 245&469 won at troy , too
<alecmataloni111> 2481!!
<samuelgmills11> #ballsohardtoballsoharder
<Guest 43> and now competiting in fll area
<mrroboto2826> 2481!~!!
<thefro526> another 3-5 minutes of Galileo
<Payne_TW> Galileo is not stacked with great 7 disc autos
<Payne_TW> 610 puts up a TON of points
<Guest 97> 2403
<Stogi> YES
<Guest 97> YAY 2403!
<wing1002> 842?
<Stogi> 2403
<Stogi> tes
<Stogi> yes
<Payne_TW> TES
<Guest 97> Yeah!
<Guest 161> Samuel G Mills is in the house
<Guest 22> multidisc autos: 1241, 111, 2175, 3258, 447, 118, 1477, 2474, 2337, 70
<Guest 97> 2403 PLASMA
<samuelgmills11> No That is me
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<KevinShi469> Troy Finals was 245-469-4377 vs. 3539-67-4810
<Stogi> 2403 is really solid
<Guest 97> Solid robot
<Guest 97> 30pt climb
<samuelgmills11> 161 whoe are you
<wing1002> 842
<Guest 39> 4377 had a hat
<wing1002> missing 842
<Guest 97> Plasma was scary @2403
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<Guest 93> 1732 worth mentioning as well
<KevinShi469> pool noodle hats
<Guest 22> Did 842 do mulidisc in a real match yet?
<Guest 97> They managed to save 987 when their robot shut down in Vegas
<Stogi> 2403 got funding and planned their trip to Vegas in 1 week
<Guest 39> don't leave home without one ... v 67 !
<Guest 97> In finals
<Stogi> it was nuts
<Tani560> Troy was so much fun to watch 469 full court shoot 245 cycle and 4377 block!
<Guest 161> if you were astute, you would know
<Guest 149> Opinions on the Dapper Dans (1801)?
<Guest 161>
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<Guest 109> Dapper dans play angry defense
<alecmataloni111> wooo!
<samuelgmills11> If I were astute?
<Guest 47> Dans also have a ridiculous cannon for a shooter
<Stogi> 2474 is solid but needs to be faster
<Guest 98> they were strong contenders at Crossroads. Almost had the event there
<Guest 22> 2481 should stick to offense and climbing
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<Guest 109> And their alliance reps wear short dresses
<Lowebrass469> 2474 played a lot of mean defense in addition to solid auton
<wing1002> 842 gaiz
<samuelgmills11> 161 I bet you are WM or RD
<Guest 149> #teamdropdownintake
<Baselthe2nd> 2474 could get picked for auton alone
<Lowebrass469> versatile as it gets
<Guest 67> what division are we on now?
<wing1002> gali
<Guest 149> Still on Gali
<Guest 67> thanks
<Payne_TW> 1218 was bombin' in HH, now they're better
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<Baselthe2nd> Whoooooo
<Guest 161> 1218 was unfairly declined in CT
<Lowebrass469> Go NERDS!
<Guest 98> 2337 has an interesting shooter as well
<Guest 39> and they have a good auto
<Stogi> Team UPNext
<Guest 149> And an interesting base
<Guest 149> Oh yeah, we haven't discussed 3528
<wing1002> 3528 is good
<wing1002> 842
<Guest 149> FCS at times, cycler at others
<Guest 136> ya
<Stogi> 3528
<Payne_TW> 842?
<Payne_TW> did you mentio nthem?
<Guest 22> 2000 likely wont get picked
<Stogi> 2474
<KevinShi469> 45?
<Guest 82> What division are we on?
<Guest 97> 842 is decent robot would put them in as a decent cycler w/ground pickup
<Guest 82> Oh.
<Guest 136> 4039/1241/4069 willput up a fight, they wont go down easy
<Payne_TW> galileo's bottom 12 picks are going to be a mess
<Baselthe2nd> To clarify, 2337 has chamfered corners which allowed the rectangular area to be larger and the drive base to be longer.
<IndySam> 45 on a down year
<Guest 97> Dat ascent
<wing1002> 842's climber is just so awesome
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<Guest 98> 45 is having some issues this year. good for defense though
<Guest 39> 842 climb is just ... scary!
<Baselthe2nd> 842 climb scariness is only second to 148
<wing1002> 1986 on newton. cast over.
<KevinShi469> ah they just caught my eye on the list
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<Stogi> oh holy crap did we mention 1241
<Guest 149> 1241
<wing1002> 1241
<Guest 109> 842's may be scarier than 148
<wing1002> forgot about 1241
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<Stogi> yay
<phantom_1986> There are some sleepers and some great teams in this division
<Stogi> i gotcho back Pinecone
<wing1002> definitely will be good
<Guest 141> just watched 842's climber. I think that was clearly a gymnastics move
<Guest 77> 1241 shoots laser BEAMs
<joeyeah> 1986 wil lbe first to be discussed about garantuee
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<Baselthe2nd> Newton has like 4 really strong teams. Plus a number of good "role players." They could put up a fight on Einstein.
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<Stogi> newton - 1986, 1538, 3476
<Guest 175> 1310 cough couch
<wing1002> 1986 will win newton. no questions asked
<Guest 165> What about 1310?
<gregor_907> Neither 1241 or 4039 got a wildcard
<alecmataloni111> 1986's playground is the newton division
<joeyeah> 3476 would not go that deep
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<Guest 82> Walton Robotics 2974!
<joeyeah> is a BOSS
<Stogi> no i wasnt naming an lliance
<gregor_907> 1241 got EI, 4039 waitlisted
<Guest 141> 195
<Stogi> i was naming tiop 3 teams
<Guest 175> 1310... is a canadian team
<wing1002> 1986 is the most consistent robot
<Guest 39> schedule gods can pimp anyone ..
<wing1002> this year
<Stogi> 1986, 1538, 3476 as top 3 in newton IMO
<joeyeah> 341 is pretty solid too
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<Nick_Coussens> they scoop under it
<Guest 98> 1986 somehow can do everything in the game and still fit under the pyramid
<Nick_Coussens> then when it gets tilted up, they have a stopper to let one in
<Nick_Coussens> then the other one is allowed to fall in
<KevinShi469> daisy thunder is so nice
<Stogi> 195 is the most baller FCS i've seen
<joeyeah> so can 254 hahahaha
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<Baselthe2nd> I'd take 2054 over 1538.
<Guest 153> 1241 can do full court too
<Guest 67> 195 is tall
<wing1002> 2054 is good
<Payne_TW> "clear"
<Guest 141> 195 is accurate though
<joeyeah> 2054!
<Payne_TW> "existent"
<Guest 141> really accurate
<alecmataloni111> 1538!
<Guest 172> In CT regional I saw 195 cycling too
<Baselthe2nd> If any two of 2054/1986/1538 get together, they go to Einstein.
<wing1002> 1538
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<Payne_TW> interchangable
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<gregor_907> 3476 is so good
<Lowebrass469> Basel don't leave out 2826 and 341 :>
<Baselthe2nd> Sorry Aaron.. haha
<AndrewLawrence> 1538 is the second best team in the entire division.
<Guest 141> you never knew what 195 would do. Cycle, FCS...always a surprise
<wing1002> 2826, 341, 2476
<wing1002> 3476*
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<Payne_TW> aw I just ate a burnt cheez it
<Payne_TW> what is life
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<Nick_Coussens> whoever gets with 1986 will win
<samuelgmills11> holy cow swag
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<connorworley1538> dark horse dark cow >:)
<joeyeah> agreed
<KevinShi469> holy cows
<Nick_Coussens> just like the regionals titanium has been at
<Guest 172> 1986 is an all around great robot
<Stogi> 3476 will be a scary bot in Newton i think
<joeyeah> 1986 is soooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing
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<Lowebrass469> 1538 is a lock, not a dark horse :P
<Stogi> teams should be prepared
<Nick_Coussens> at GKC it was obvious whoever they picked were going to win
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<joeyeah> 3476 is so underestimated too!
<Hallry1676> Thanks =)
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<Baselthe2nd> But seriously say like 2054/1538/moderately good FCS could get to Einstein the same way #2 alliance won MSC.
<gregor_907> whoever 1986 picks will win
<Guest 149> Yeah, looking back at Newton... Titanium has got this. Strong, CONSISTENT robot.
<Guest 39> LForward does his posts when? any idea of his history?
<Stogi> 180 is super neat
<Baselthe2nd> Newton has a lot of FCS
<joeyeah> yup
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<Guest 149> Consistency is going to be key there. 180 is cool as well.
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<Stogi> 2826
<Baselthe2nd> 225
<Guest 82> 2974
<Guest 39> SPAM Filters!
<Baselthe2nd> 2471
<Baselthe2nd> 217
<wing1002> 217
<Guest 175> 1310
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<AndrewLawrence> autonomi
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<joeyeah> autonomi
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<Guest 39> autonomi?
<Nick_Coussens> newton could be a surprise srongest
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<Guest 126> the combo of FCS and floor pickups in Newton tell me they might win it all
<alecmataloni111> THere are just as many good FCSes in Galileo as there are in newton
<KevinShi469> autonomous modes i guess
<Nick_Coussens> teams might mix the best on alliances in newton
<wing1002> it just doesn't ahve the name
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<wing1002> Newton doesn't have big name
<wing1002> that's all
<Guest 39> 1986 is a pretty storng threat
<Guest 109> There's 2789 and their "#defense"
<alecmataloni111> Newton's big name is 1986...
<Lowebrass469> Newton it's most likely something sneaks past into 24th
<Baselthe2nd> Newton is totally weaker, but they still ahve the teams to ahve a great alliance
<Guest 149> #texplosion
<Guest 98> LF did his division threads last year on that Tuesday
<Guest 149> #defense
<Guest 172> If a full court shooter teams up with defense bot and floor pickup that alliance will do well
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<Guest 109> #theyusehashtagstoomuchonchief
<joeyeah> FCS is the way to go for newton
<Nick_Coussens> yeah but if you mix titanium with a good FCS who is smart with a solid 3rd bot, it could work together better then the other 3 divisions
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<Guest 149> TEXplosion DID add a 3 disc autonomous. Much better than their dump during competition season.
<Guest 137> FCS plus ground pickup is a great combo
<Guest 141> that's how 195 and 20 took CT.
<Baselthe2nd> Two pickups and a 3rd bot FCS wins newton. Calling it now!
<alecmataloni111> wait, where's 2168?
<Guest 141> mixing FCS with awesome ground pickup
<Guest 172> If you get a strong FCS that also cycles like 195 or 225 can, it will be hard to beat
<Guest 67> FCS + floor pick up no one can't stop that
<joeyeah> a GOOD FCS wont be third
<Baselthe2nd> (also, probably wrong! but predicting anyway!)
<Payne_TW> 195 only has 2 powered wheels
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<joeyeah> 195 i thought had 2 traction and 2 onis
<joeyeah> omnis
<Guest 141> all 195's wheels are powered now
<wing1002> 180 took off the floor pickup i think
<Hallry1676> didn't they take off their floor pickup?
<Guest 126> 180 removed the floor pick-up
<Guest 39>
<gregor_907> 180 took their pickup off
<KrazyCarl92> are all 195's wheels traction now?
<joeyeah> shhhhh 141
<Guest 172> According to the newton excel file on cd, all wheels are powered on 195
<Guest 39> everybody but the speaker seems toknow that :P
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<Guest 180> 180 took off their pickup but their still a solid cycler
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<Guest 179> oh joe
<Guest 180> hey that's a convenient guest number...
<joeyeah> oh 179
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<wing1002> 3476 is good
<joeyeah> 195 can turn tho from the omni's they have
<Guest 141> 195 big fat traction rear wheels
<Guest 126> don't sleep on 25
<Guest 109> 2789 will hump people into submission
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<Lowebrass469> 217 has the drive train. Everything else is just icing
<mrroboto2826> ^^^
<wing1002> the copiolis
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<Guest 141> 3476?
<Guest 137> 217 is a very decent FCS
<Guest 141> code orange
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<Guest 39> 217 climber has been NO money ... sigh
<joeyeah> 2789 is a Beast
<Guest 109> 217's full court isn't very decent
<Guest 109> It's average
<Guest 98> i wonder if 1114 and 217 meant to work w/ each other this year? they have in the past
<Lowebrass469> their climber worked once on practice
<Lowebrass469> hehe
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<Baselthe2nd> As we're toning down the CMP chat, anyone wanna help me with Thermo? :P
<KevinShi469> its like a chicken claw when it climbs
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<Guest 39> why did the chicken cross the road? so they could climb the pyramid?
<joeyeah> 1986 is still looking to be superior in this division
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<Guest 109> 2789 for tacticallll
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<Guest 188> Did they do curie already?
<connorworley1538> yes
<Guest 109> yes
<thefro526> Yes
<Guest 188> hmmmm, i see. $@#$@#$@#$@# i missed it
<Guest 67> you late
<Guest 188> I late
<alecmataloni111> they won from the 8th seed IIRC
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<alecmataloni111> very impressive
<joeyeah> 1986 1538 3476 2826 341 all fantasitic division winner candidates
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<Guest 98> thats a dangerous strategy anywhere you go. even champs
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<wing1002> 2415 is Archi
<Lowebrass469> I heard them mentioned though I think
<Payne_TW> 2415 would have wrecked in Newton
<samuelgmills11> they were so good
<wing1002> 4451 is amazing
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<samuelgmills11> definitely not rookie like
<Payne_TW> I wouldnt be shocked to see 4451 have a shooter if they can afford the weight
<mrroboto2826> 4451 is a 4 wheel tank
<Guest 126> they're too small to play D, though
<Guest 141> how many climb/dumpers are there?
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<Stogi> Went to grab some coffee, whatd I miss?
<wing1002> you missed everything
<Stogi> Current topic?
<wing1002> they revealed the 2014 game
<Baselthe2nd> they mentioned some teams
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<Baselthe2nd> oh, right michigan teams.. 2612, 68!
<Stogi> Chris you do 2252?
<Guest 47> With 100 teams and 10 matches, you will never get perfect seeding.
<chrisisme> 2252 came up yeah
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<wing1002> 469, 1114, 2056, and 1986 will be on einstein
<Lowebrass469> 68 brought major game to last year's CMP
<Guest 98> yes please!!
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<Guest 172> I think a fcs can make it onto eintein with 1986 and a good defense bot
<joeyeah> agreeed
<Baselthe2nd> 503! 1718!
<Guest 39> 1718 needs a shout
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<Baselthe2nd> 2619, 141!
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<Stogi> I don't think FCS will make it to Einstein
<Guest 126> 2 floor loaded w/ FCS
<Lowebrass469> Versatility on Einstein! Change it up every match!
<Guest 47> The best teams don't always make Einstein. 2011 I'd say 1114 was so good, but seeding and picking screwed them over
<thefro526> 1718 was mentioned earlier
<Lowebrass469> That will be king.
<Stogi> I think team 40 will make it to einstein
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<wing1002> 1 floor pickup, 1 or 2 cyclers
<joeyeah> 1986 and a FCS can compeltely empty the station in udner 1 minute
<Stogi> and 188
<Guest 67> lol FCS is score the most
<Guest 188> ^ my guest number
<joeyeah> and then more discs from other team or missed ones
<wing1002> 5469 will win einstein
<Guest 172> A pure FCS shooter probably won't but a hybrid FCS might
<Stogi> 188 + 40 + 22 will msot likely make it to einstein
<Guest 188> Wish they were there this year
<Guest 47> Don't forget team 77
<Baselthe2nd> 47 guaranteed championship this year
<Guest 98> every division but archimedes will have a FCS on their einstein alliance
<Stogi> its about time for 47
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<Baselthe2nd> Chess match is best match
<Guest 172> I agree with guest 98 but I also think a FCS will have a hard time winning einstein
<Guest 126> there's always the chance a VIP takes a disc to the face... exciting?
<Stogi> Thoughts on place of pure cylers at champs this year
<Stogi> will we see a pure cycler on Einstein
<joeyeah> i suppose well see
<Baselthe2nd> no
<Guest 47> FCS will be limited in effectiveness in champs elims because of limited resources
<Lowebrass469> 1310+3539+1918
<thefro526> There will be pure cyclers on Einstein
<Stogi> Dustin talk about that
<Baselthe2nd> well, maybe. But only as 3rd bots
<Guest 188> YES 1310
<Guest 172> I think most cyclers will have floor pickup
<Stogi> Basel i wasnt saying as which bot
<Baselthe2nd> yeah, yeah
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<Baselthe2nd> You know mean, just post the first thing that comes to mind
<Baselthe2nd> me*
<Stogi> :P lol
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<Guest 39> bottom line -- the scheduling gods will rule!
<Guest 98> shooters not meaning to play defense will play defense on einstein
<joeyeah> 1986 will probably be on einstein
<Baselthe2nd> +1 Guest 39. I wish it weren't that way, though..
<Guest 39> 12 matches
<Guest 172> Yes, 1986 has a good chance of taking Einstein, and based on their history, a FCS will probably be with them
<Lowebrass469> I wish divisions had like 15 qual matches for each team
<Guest 172> making*
<Lowebrass469> so it was really a battle of robots not luck
<Guest 126> i don't think 1986 picks a FCS 1st round
<Guest 188> YESSSS 1310
<Stogi> I don't think 1986 will pick FCS first pick
<joeyeah> because they want another pick up
<alecmataloni111> and no sabotage
<joeyeah> BUT
<Baselthe2nd> I know it's tough on schools already, but an additional full day of qualification matches would be great for the rankings
<joeyeah> they may no care about the extra 2 discs
<Guest 172> They will probably pick second
<alecmataloni111> Please no sabotage
<Guest 168> there's already a flood warning.
<wing1002> this is why champs should move to Atlanta
<joeyeah> in comparison to a FCS a Good one
<wing1002> back to atlanta
<Guest 172> the first will probably be a good cycler
<Stogi> guys don't DDos people
<Guest 98> don't jinx it
<Guest 39> atlanta had its tornado, too -- 2010 ...
<KevinShi469> sab-bot-age?
<phantom_1986> Tornadoes are pretty much missouri
<Guest 47> Whether or not teams actually block FCS, teams will be hesitant to pick one because they can be blocked.
<joeyeah> unless they are versatile...
<Guest 172> But if they could cycle aswell as FCS, they will increase their chances
<joeyeah> they arnt juust gonna sit there the whole match, and they suck in defense
<Stogi> There's only 3 things in Missouri 1) 1986, 2) BBQ, and 3) tornadoes
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<Guest 39>
<Guest 39> i like bbq ....:p
<Hallry1676> Will there be scores of over 300?
<Guest 47> There could be better cyclers. I doubt a team gets picked in the first round because they FCS
<KevinShi469> how about sploding bacon?
<Guest 39> only with fouls ...
<alecmataloni111> A lot more fun than watching paper airplanes
<joeyeah> i think we can JUST hit 300 on einstein
<Baselthe2nd> pickup+FCS+fullback tend to be stuck to their one strategy, a lot like MSC's #1 alliance. It can win, but not being versatile = dangerous
<joeyeah> like 302 or sumthing
<Payne_TW> I wish they went to a round robin format
<Lowebrass469> oh jeez, the airplanes.
<Guest 188> i don't see 300s happening
<Guest 67> or 3 teams climb on the third lvl
<Stogi> We'll see people break 300 i think or come really close
<Guest 98> this game will be fun to watch. it's alreaady fast paced and it will be even faster at einstein
<KevinShi469> IRI will get that 300
<Guest 47> 2 pickups could steal enough discs to break 300 if they also have a climber
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<Guest 39> 300 is only on the table if you can get seriousclimb points
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<Guest 126> like you said earlier, basel: 2 pick-ups and a FCS is the way to go
<Stogi> Code Orange <3
<joeyeah> a 30 pnt climb and a 50 dump in reasonable time can get 300
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<Stogi> my new favorite team
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The recording has ended.
And for those of you traveling to the Championship in the next day or three here’s a link to the recording (will be live shortly if it isn’t already) for you to take with you: