Ex-FIRSTers in Iraq?

No matter what we feel about the motives for this war, I know we all support the men and women sent to fight in Iraq. So, I ask:

Does anoyone know the e-mail of any former FIRST team members currently fighting in Iraq? I was thinking that if I were over in Iraq and I got a few messages from CD readers, it would bring a huge smile to my face.

So, if you know anyone fighting who was on a team, would you be so kind as to either PM me their e-mail, or, even better, post it here so we can all send them a little pep talk?



May God be with anyone (on our side, our theirs) who has to fight this war. Although I agree we need to be there, war is never something that is ‘good’

And to all the people who serve or have served this country, thank you for my Freedom =)

Yes this is a great idea. As a former Chief Delphi member and a marine reserve this is the support the troops need. Right now im in new river located in Jacksonville north carolina for a year with a possible year extension. Relatively soon ill be on my way to kuwait city to support operation iraqi freedom. Ill get a list of first military people i know and post it online. Thanks for the support

LCpl Diaz jose

Hey thats a great idea…i hope the troops get a little downtime to view our posts and check out this years game.

I don’t know them personally but I heard about a couple that are over there…