Exernal USB keyboard as input device??

How do you use an external USB keyboard instead of a second joystick, as an input device in LabView?

I haven’t done it, so I don’t know if it would work.

However, here’s something to try. Create a new empty robot project in LabVIEW. Delete the drive code in Teleop but keep the Joystick VIs. There should be a raw output on the Joystick Get VI, right-click that and create an indicator. Plug your keyboard into your DS on USB1, then switch to the Robot Main VI and click the run arrow. After it deploys, go back to the Teleop VI’s front panel. Mash the keyboard and observe results.

If you get nothing, then I’d suggest waiting for someone more knowledgable in this area to post or do some more research on your own.

If you are talking about sending commands to the cRIO…
We’re limited by the Driver Station application.

It only looks for and recognizes standard HID joysticks/game controllers and the Cypress I/O board.
(That Stop button too)

Thank you for the help!

Yes, I am talking about using the keyboard to send commands - is that not possible? Is modifying the Driver Station app not permitted?

No, we aren’t allowed to modify the Driver Station application.
It’s the one required piece of the user controls this year.

There are some devices that masquerade as game controllers, but keyboards can’t do that.
I think if you can see it in the standard Windows Game Controller utility then the Driver Station will recognize it.

Okay, thanks Mark!

For 99% of the teams, this is true. For the uber-advanced 1% of the teams, it might be possible, but it almost certainly isn’t worth the effort.

You are not allowed to modify the Driver Station application, as Mark said. However, you ARE allowed to modify the dashboard. In fact, you are allowed to scrap the default dashboard entirely and start from scratch. If you can convince the dashboard to take keyboard input and pipe it to the robot, I believe it is legal - but check the rules carefully.

Personally, I wouldn’t bother - it just isn’t worth the time and effort.

Well, i am not sure if this is game legal or not but if you use a combination of two programs, PPjoys and Glovepie. You can create a fake joystick recognizable by the driverstation with input from any device including a keyboard or even a wiimote tho the wiimote would definitely be illegal.