Hi FRCers,
Who has mucked around with the latest Autodesk BXD:Synthesis simulator?
Are you using Inventor 2018 as your native CAD software, or do you import your CAD model (Fusion 360, SolidWorks, CATIA, etc.) into Inventor?
Any issues jointing assemblies and parts with an imported CAD model?
What successed/issues have you encountered with the Robot Exporter and the various export wizards (Guided, One-Click or Advanced)?
What successes/issues have you encountered with the integration of your robot’s software into Synthesis?
How realistic are the motion dynamics with the latest version, as this is claimed to be one of the version’s enhancements.
For our team’s part, I am working, as a summer project, to import our FRC2018 robot CATIA V5 CAD model into Inventor 2018 and then Export it to Synthesis. I also will try to integrate the robot’s software load. If it works out, we plan to have the team’s drivers assess a Power-Up 2018 simulation of the field and robot as a candidate to support part-task driver training while the competition robot is being designed.
Although jointing the wheels to the drive assembly went with only a little messing around, none of the wheel “nodes” show up in the Inventor Guided Robot Export wizard… Has anyone encountered this issue?
Also, when using the One-Click or Advanced Export wizards, only a portion of the Drive Base assembly shows up in the simulation.