Export Team List from FIRST Dashboard

Each season we struggle through the pain of getting the entire team registered with FIRST and parents to digitally sign the consent and release forms. We have been manually comparing our team roster to the roster in the FIRST dashboard.

To solve the problem we developed a short bit of code that can be added to your browser’s bookmark bar to export the team roster list as a csv file which can be opened as a spreadsheet.

The code is here: Export team roster from FIRST dashboard · GitHub
One can turn that code into a bookmarklet with the help of this site: Bookmarklet Maker

Once you’ve created the bookmarklet, drag the “Export Team Roster”
to your browser’s bookmark bar, then navigate to your “Team Contacts/Roster” in the FIRST dashboard and click the new bookmark named “FC Export”

The script parses the page and downloads a file called “TeamRoster.csv”

Hopefully others find this helpful.



Just used this to scrape the 76 students currently registered.

FIRST IT should send you a nice gift basket, or maybe get you hired on for some contract work. FIRST roster management is remarkably terrible, even considering how terrible the rest of the FIRST dashboard is. Thanks for making the system just a bit less painful!



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