External Switches For Driver Station

Apologies if this wasn’t posted in the correct area, not sure where this one would fit but here goes anyway:

We’re currently in the process of building a new driver station for our team and decided to try to set up some switches to control whether the bot is enabled, or
any sort of external macro button (i think that’s the term?) to control the driver station laptop. Does anyone have any experience with this, or can point me in the right direction on what i need to help do this, and how exactly to do it?

Some starting points


For a “macro” input switch, you might enjoy http://www.makeymakey.com/ .

If you make each switch a differnt shape you can locate by feel and keep your eyes on the field watching the game.

I’m not entirely sure what you mean by a macro switch but we have built a custom control board in the past using a Teensy Microcontroller.

Here is the white paper we wrote about it.

Check out e-stop robotics. They have a fantastic little board that lets you connect buttons and inputs.