Extra credit for robotics?

Well, I can’t convince any of my other teachers, but my math teacher will give me extra credit. You see, he is really into segways. So of course he knows who Dean Kamen is. He said he’d give me 15 points (that’s worth 5 homeworks!!) of extra credit if I got Dean’s autograph. Very kool. :smiley:

I get some marks in one of my classes from robotics (cause that teacher is the teacher on our team), but all my other teachers let me miss tests and stuff to go to competitions…So they help me out that way.

Hah, my team’s teacher brings the tests with him to competitions. =P

We dont get extra credit but we all take our teachers classes:) And rather then doing the regular assignments we get graded on effort and do robotics stuff… Granted that he teacher IT (computers and shop stuff) but its still a nice little unofficial arangement.

We don’t get extra credit either because at our school, it’s not a class, it’s an extra curricular activity.

We get up to 15 credits, which is equal to a year and a half of a normal class (ex. English, math, history,etc) I have enough credits to graduate as a junior because of this…


I did a project on robotics in my math project. I got a 95.:slight_smile:

I am very interested in seeing how this is set up at some schools. How are some of you able to get high school graduation credits for being in Robotics?

*Originally posted by Cory *
**We get up to 15 credits, which is equal to a year and a half of a normal class (ex. English, math, history,etc) I have enough credits to graduate as a junior because of this…

Cory **

Wow. That’s awesome.