Extremely low framerate with raspberrypi4b and Photonvision

Hello,these days I’m playing arround with my raspberry4b and photonvision to detect apriltags. The document of PhotonVision suggests a raspberry pi 4b should produce about 15fps when using the AprilTag tab. However, I’m getting an unacceptable 6-7 fps. Does anyone know what could possibly cause this probelm?
I’m sure I have connected my pi to the switch and my computer is on the same network.

My guess is the camera. Since it was shipped with the raspberrypi and is complimentary. But I tested on my computer and it shows that it is 30fps.

Frame rate depends on many of the settable or controllable parameters (exposure, brightness, resolution, lighting conditions and many of the others on PV screens). I suggest experimenting with all of them to determine how your frame rate behaves with change.

Lacking that you could post screen shots of all of your parameters and we might be able to suggest changes but it’s faster if you try it yourself first and if still a problem, report what you have done to achieve various frame rates.