Are there any plans to bring back the F4 cadathon for the 2017 summer? Have yet to enter one and they seem very fun to be a part of.
CADathon? Sounds like a dream come true!
Is the show going to continue this season?
Cadathon was fun last year, and I’m regretting not entering. Here’s hoping the f4 crew puts together another fun challenge!
F4 will be hosting a CADathon once again. The official announcement will be posted within the next day or two.
Sperkowski, are you still associated with F4?
Yes. I am still a member of the Board.
I thought it was a completely student run organization? Didn’t you graduate?
F4 has more or less disolved completely from what it originally was. Webcasts ended a year ago and we have had college mentors in the chat for over a year. If F4 was still what it was originally many of its core members would be leaving. In fact out of the board only one member of the 6 is still an active student on an FRC team.
We have talked about opening F4 up to anyone but generally there is an agreement that we like our group of now good friends and don’t want to change anything.
Despite being really just a large groupchat at this point, the demand for the CADathon is there and we feel as if we are uniquely qualified and willing to do it.
Will the designs that are submitted go through a similar process of being judged by several individuals who all give feedback on the design like done last time?