F4 CADathon Team 345 Presents: Payload

F4 CADathon Team 345, BANCHbots, would like to present our F4 Spring CADathon Robot, Payload! We competed in this CADathon ranking 6th, learning a lot and we hope everyone can see what we have learned and use this for their next competition. If you have any questions, feel free to message us (@Emiliano6181, @Situs84, and @kds1967)!

Here is our official scouting document which also includes our Tech Binder and CAD.


Robot looks great! I could be wrong, but it looks like the wires of the shooter Falcons are stuck inside the shooter wheel, am I missing something?


Nah, they got an 800W wireless charger setup.


There’s enough room at the sides for wires, barely. That was the only part I didn’t really like personally but it was a CADathon so I let it slide. I probably would have made the fly wheel .5" bigger but there is room there if you check the .step.


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