F4 - Episode 5

Hello, today is Sunday which means F4.

Today’s episode is going to be about “Effective Team Management”

We are going to touch on all of the basics including communication, sub-teams and member roles.

The Co-hosts for this episode include
Anand R from team 115.
Collin Stiers from team 1719.

As always we need more co-hosts so please apply here.

As soon as you submit the form you will be invited to our Slack chat. Currently the Slack chat is a really awesome little community where you can get help with any problem you need so I seriously encourage you to join even if you do not plan on co-hosting.

Lastly during the last 10 minutes we discuss viewer submitted questions. Usually this is just through the Youtube chat but for today I am going to test doing it through Chiefdelphi so post your questions down below.

Thank you all and I hope to see you here at 8:00PM EST tonight!

Just a btw the form needs permission.

Does it still require permission? I am not sure why that happened.


Ok, I figured it out now its fixed. :wink:

We will be live in 24 minutes!

Applied mainly for the slack, but I’m happy to co-host if needed.

Also, you might wanna correct a typo the form. You ask what my “roll” on the team was. I answered accordingly.

What are you guys planning for after high school? Has the FIRST experience helped you come to that conclusion?

Also applied to be a co-host.

It’s nice to see a talk show done by students. You guys are running the show really well, and I feel the quality will only go up from here.