From the FIRST fb page… “Just saw an elf run by with an FRC Kickoff clue tucked under his arm. Hmm, the new year must be approaching!”
This one is too easy, footballs will be the game piece.
From the FIRST fb page… “Just saw an elf run by with an FRC Kickoff clue tucked under his arm. Hmm, the new year must be approaching!”
This one is too easy, footballs will be the game piece.
Close - the official game piece will be a vintage 1972 rugby ball used in gameplay in New Zealand. They should be easy to find - Piggly Wiggly keeps them in inventory (unless for some reason they’re out of stock, or you don’t happen to live in one of the 18 states that has a Piggly Wiggly …)
It certainly fits the “based on a real sport every other year” trend. However, I feel a non-circular ball game piece may be a bit difficult to work with (especially for new teams).
There always seems to be some aspect for the new teams to still contribute.
Silly Facebook! Elves don’t play football! They participate in elvish activities such as making toys, preparing Santa’s sleigh, and WWE wrestling.
Learn your facts Facebook!
Plus, how can you hold a game hint?
Ooh, remember Elf Bowling?
-nevermind, that’s FTC.
When you get a chance, could post the link.
This was posted by FIRST about an hour ago.
Sorry, they don’t allow fb at work. I can’t imagine why… At least they don’t block CD:D
Second thing posted on FIRST’s wall. I don’t believe that there’s a way to directly link to it. (Or I don’t know how)
sorry, I don’t get on the FIRST website too often, whats Bill’s Blog?
The Director of FRC (Bill Miller) posts about once or twice a week with a little bit of what’s going on.
After thinking this through, I’ve come up with a few thoughts.
It says an FRC Kick-off clue. Not necessarily an FRC Game Clue. This could be completely irrelevant to the Game itself, just something new at Kick-off. Also, the follow up post made by FIRST said that they did not have a game clue yet.
You don’t really carry a football under your arm, it’s more tucked against the chest. Soccer and Basketball players often take team photos with a ball tucked under their arm though.
You don’t carry either one of those under your arm when running, though. Especially when playing the game–it’s a handball in soccer and traveling in basketball.
I’d go more with the rugby ball–they’re more likely to carry under the arm.
I hope it is, we have Piggly Wiggly stores in South Carolina!
I’m simply amazed at how people have time to follow FIRST around, looking for game hints. I’ve lost track of all of the places to look: Facebook, Bill’s Blog, the FIRST website - where else? This borders on nuts.
Not while playing the game, you’re right. But if, I’m running down the hallway with a ball, it’d probably be tucked under my arm.
In anycase, it’s not even a game hint, it’s a kick off hint. If anything, I can imagine an elf running down the hall with a kinect or two under their arm, possibly taking it to film a demo shown at Kick-off.
“Okay… we felt your pain. We heard your pleas. We worked through the NIGHT to extract ANY kind of hints from FRC staff.” Kind of makes it seems like a game hint, I haven’t seen any pleas for a kickoff clue.
RSS Feed from the blog, Text alerts from FB. Checking FIRST’s website is about the most frustrating thing…
None of this takes very long. Or you could be like me and live under a rock in a cave and refuse to care about game hints. I suggest it, helps to keep me comparatively sane.