This FIRST-A-HOLIC has a mentor who is overworked and needs help getting the mentor to let others help. What advice can you offer?
Hi. Our team leader, on the adult part of the team, is a great guy. He does a good job. But he's a teacher, of a few different courses, he coaches sports teams, he has a wife and kids, and robotics. He's spread really thin, and the wear is getting pretty visible. In addition, he's the only one, by his choice, that knows what's going on with every system and subsystem in our design. He's the guy who makes all the final decisions. But he's got so much going on, he can't always get the time to make the decisions, so the robot, and the team, suffer. He's spread himself really thin. I and the team appreciate his efforts, as does everybody in his other teams and classes. How can we tell him he needs to drop something? He's a nice guy, and nobody wants to be mean, and just tell him to take a hike, but we need more time than he can afford to give us. There are other teachers who will take up the burden, but only if he gives it to them.
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