We have a Falcon 500 Drive (not azimuth) Motor on our swerve drive that just started running inverted after the electrical team shortened the can wires.
We are using the onboard encoder for the drive motors.
We have tried the following to get it back but nothing has worked.
Here are the steps.
0: Connect to the motor on Phoenix Tuner
1: Set motor to factory default
2: Goto to control tab and select percent output
3: Select Force invert to False
4: Select Encoder Phase to False
5: Enable outputs
6: Send a positive output value to the motor
Motor blinks green LEDs
Motor turns CCW facing the motor shaft
encoder counts decrement.
We expect the motor to turn CW and increment the encoder counts.
We did the same steps on another drive motor on the swerve drive and it rotated as expected.
The motor seems to be stuck in inverted mode and even a factory reset does not seem to change it’s back to normal.
It there something else to try to get this motor back to the default setting?