Mentor for team 8709 here, posting this on behalf of the students for an issue that the team ran into today.
We just built our chassis with new MK4N Modules, powered by 8 Falcon 500s, CANCoders and a Pigeon 2.0.
Using the Phoenix Tuner X Swerve Generator, we followed all steps and setup modules, completed alignment and verification, everything was working correctly.
Upon trying to drive the robot, the wheels are not maintaining the correct alignment, rather being off at different angles. For example the front left could be a little bit left of center but mostly aligned, front right at a 45 deg, left rear at 90 deg, and rear right somewhere between 45 and 90 degrees off.
We have repeated the calibration steps and have not had success with calibrating the modules. We followed these same steps with MK4s pre-season training our programming team and had no issues, we are not sure what has changed or if something mechanically is incorrect.
All magnets for the cancoders are epoxied in.
Link to Code: