OK after about 15 hours in on thread and 666 posts. It is time to start up a new thread one for the second round. It is just 2.5 hours till the draft starts , hopefully every one will do as good as they did yesterday and goodluck to every one…
ok, im ready, and still got 5 meager teams on my list, though i am quite surprised they haven’t been already taken. Does anyone else have a very short list of teams left? I guess mine will just continue on as the teams who get ranked higher.
I just sent a list of about 25 teams to Ed. I have some pretty obscure picks towards the end of that list, so it should last me. At least I have a high 3rd round pick, so less worries about a team being gone.
How do we know what order we pick in for the third round?
third round is randomly been picked already i’ll have jonesy post about the third round pickens…
this is not updated but a standard list no trades in this list!:
Name Round 3
KoKo Ed 34
Jones571 32
JVN 48
Mike M. 81
Big Mike 47
Sigmakid108 82
Computheif263 22
HhsJosh 79
Jeremy Roberts 14
Rob Colatutto 65
Matt D 70
Dez250 31
Team311 80
Voltage 46
Aaron Lussier 89
Akuu 13
Guyute 73
Solace 33
Coreyjon 45
Tomman B182 91
Will Hanashiro 5
SarahB 64
Ryan Dognaux 6
*Andy Baker 49
Andy Grady 7
OneAngryDaisy 78
George1083 30
Lil’ Lavery 23
MisterX 44
Ogre 4
Karthik 88
Joe Ross 35
Pin Man 58
Alex Pelan 12
SwaDan 63
gsensel 21
Fireworks 234 93
Ricky Q. 15
Pit Bull 1126 96
ngreen 50
Eric Bareiss 29
BionicAlumni 62
BadKarma 8
Steve Horn 66
KingsvilleKukes 43
David66 24
Brant Bowen 76
Henry_222 11
Ryan_team710 72
rforystek 36
T967 59
Keiko173 3
Joel J. 51
Levin571 61
David Hoff 83
ahecht 16
Jack 67
M. Krass 9
AsimC 60
Greg Needel 87
Erin Rapacki 28
Anne Bergeron 42
Crop-Circles 20
Eric O 97
Sscamatt 37
Xufer 92
tkwetzel 25
Budda648 10
jagman2882 95
TierraDelDiablo 68
Amanda Aldridge 52
Stud Man Dan 98
Diobsidian 2
Ah27 56
Joe3 71
BoyWithCape195 41
Jessica Boucher 84
mechman108 17
Cutiebethy 77
jjdebner 38
Terminator6 86
RogerR 55
thoughtful 19
activemx 74
minic@HYPER69 69
ThirdRide 53
CrazyBear 94
EvanG 85
The Lucas 26
tb222 90
T134guy 39
phrozen solyd 75
Lhead 54
Devin L. 18
JakeGallagher 57
Crash852 40
Todd Derbyshire+ 27
mtaman02+ 1
JACK!!! I want 66…what do you want for 66? pleeaaassseee? sad puppy face lol.
a half hour till the draft starts is every one ready? Im done makeing my list
could someone post a list of all the teams that were chosen yesterday?
Well im sorry im not as dedicated as some of you to this but my friend was up from NJ so i had stuff to do.but now if your all ready I have an update for yall’ Heres my sheet updated for round one picks !! I went through and double checked it all for any problems i added the missing team 114 at the bottom of the currie list. And i also added in some percentiles from the divisions. Blah this is a real pain in the “rear-end”.
heres The updated list:
Fantasy First Updated List](http://www10.brinkster.com/b1ackrose/ulpics/div.list.html)
TierraDelDiablo has til 12:10 to post a pick.
TierraDelDiablo gets team 74.
Ryan Dognaux selscts team 68 Truck Town Thunder.
Alright, we’re getting in on the second round. I have a feeling the 10 minutes time limit will be much nicer.
Crop-Circles, you’re up.
Do we know the current order of rounds today, trades and all? I don’t know when I’m up.
Crop-Circles #102 has until 12:25 to post his pick.
I don’t know the order with the trades that have taken place, and I’m too lazy to look back through all the posts, you’re not up for a little while though, about another 50 picks.
EDIT: The default order minus any trades is the first round picking reversed.
There are afr too many trades to follow and many were done in private. But if you didn’t trade at all then your number is just 197 minus your 1st pick #.
I’d just like to personally thank KoKo Ed for taking the time and looking at my list. I haven’t been on very much this weekend due to the DDR-A-Thon we’re having here (www.ddrathon.org) Thanks again Ed! :]