Fantasy Football 2005- Live Edition

Here it is LIVE draft here by popular demand

the Id is 28784

password: dean (all lowercase)

right now the draft is set for Aug 27th 7:15 Eastern Time

Good Luck!

the date for the draft is up in the air right now i just filled it in for now i would like to keep it on a weekend in the end of august we will decide by mid july most votes for a date will win

sweet i’m in baby, no more stupid no trades allowed league!

Awesome hey if any one drafts a Lion, I am gonna come over to your house with my robot and throw you across your state.

I would be in on this if i could find the time to. This is the first year in three that i didn’t have time for baseball and this summer is looking awefuly hectic.

Why would anybody want any Lions? :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey its not my fault that both new york teams suck, just kidding i love the giants

not every person in NY like the horrible NY teams, especially the bills - HORRIBLE. GO PACK!

Da PAck is whack! :stuck_out_tongue:

On that note, I claim Bruschi and Brady from the pats. :smiley:

And if anybody from NE challenges me, I’ll be happy to go back to my home state to do some serious beat… I mean convincing. Always the GP! :smiley:

Can’t beat the Colts offense when it comes to Fantasy Football.
best QB in Peyton. hands down.
3 great receivers w/ Wayne, Harrison, and Stokley
TE: Dallas Clark (not as good as Gates or Gonzalez, but he may be the best of the rest)
RB: Edge! (who cares about contract disputes… he is still a top 10 running back!)
and the Kicker… Vanderjagt.
just don’t mention defense to the Colts…

but seriously good luck to all!

(team name = WBI-461)

It won’t let me sign in. :frowning:

Are you doing the Free version or the Plus (Paid) version?


free koko we do things right in da’ cutt with this being my first time running a league every one is gettting upgraded to the fantasy plus version which gives every one stat tracker and the other bell’s and whistles’

So umm… how do we join then, since it’s not allowing us to join right now as free? :stuck_out_tongue:

sorry about that now that it is plus you have to register here

the new id # is 568

password still is dean

and there will be a spot saved for kokoed untill i can figure out y he cant join

I’m in.

You paid for our entire league, then? I’m sure we can help reimburse you if you want…I’d gladly throw in 10 bucks or so to help you recoup the $125.

Honestly How many times do the patriots have to beat you and knock you out of playoff contention before you concede defeat?

Brady is the best QB, He plays smart and consistant, Manning is over rated and never pulls it together when it counts.

Who ever wanted Bruschi, you can have him, while I want some patriots he will be ojn the injured reserves all year recovering from his stroke.

im not asking for any money form any one if you woudl like i wont turn it away but it is more my treat this time