FAQ: Championships

Hi all! I run a *FIRST *blog called Rookie [i]FIRSTs, created specifically for newer FRC teams in order to help them have a more successful first FIRST season.


Right now, I’m working on two things: a special “Championship FAQ” page and a week of special Championship-related tips.

If you are a rookie FRC team, newer FRC team, or if this is your first time going to Championships, what questions do you have about the way Championships is run? How the pits are set up? How judging differs from Regional competitions? Post your questions in the thread below or submit them here and we’ll add them to the official FAQ page.

For more experienced teams or teams that have been to Championships before, what are 2-3 things that newer teams should know, do, remember, bring, or think about before going to Championships? [We’re looking for 1-2 paragraph responses, and you can either post below or send them to [email protected]].

Thanks for your help! ~ Jaden, FRC #3504, The Girls of Steel


Also, I’ve seen several threads asking about how to “feed the team” in St. Louis.


Many common questions are actually answered in here.