Fastest way to score the Most points

Any ideas on what’s the fastest way to score, some of my ideas are to get the 15 or 20 points in auto then avoid the defenses and go through the low bar score the boulder into the high goal and go get another boulder and repeat, same scenario but instead of high goal score into the low goal to save time? end game scale for 15 points.

I’m curious to know how you think you will be scoring 22 points in auto.

it would be 20 1 cross and 1 high goal auto points are tallied at the end of auto (this is how I remember it) so you can only score 1 cross and would not score the reach.

Since the REACH points are assessed at the end of autonomous, and the robot cannot go back to get REACH points after receiving the CROSS points, the net points are 15 or 20 in your scenario.

(emphasis mine)

I won’t say much since for the first time in many years we aren’t finished with all of the scoring scenarios and potential alliance makeups - but we have assessed that a scaling robot which goes under the low bar will make packaging everything very tight.

We’ve also assessed that “IT’S A TRAP” may gain renewed infamy this year amongst all of the star wars fans…

Reaching a defense you get 2 points, 10 points for crossing, 5 points for low goal, =17, or if high goal 22 points, unless if reaching only gives you points for reaching and staying there, which is unlikely to me

Section 3.1.3 outlines that once a robot has gained a crossing, no more points for crossing/reaching can be given in auto to that robot.

thanks for the clarity

You can score 17 or 22 points if you do reach after you score the high goal and go back to the outerworks “REACH an act performed by a ROBOT, such that at the end of the AUTO period, any part of a
ROBOT’S BUMPERS are within the opponent’s OUTER WORKS”

Section 3.1.3 outlines that once a robot has gained a crossing, no more points for crossing/reaching can be given in auto to that robot.

Regardless of when you do your REACH, if you already CROSSED, you cannot earn more points unless its scoring a goal.

Fastest way I can envision…

Three Scaling Bots 45
Three Auto max bots (Cross, HG) 60 <Fastest way less than 15 secs

Then Best HG scorer stays in position in opponents courtyard
Low Specialty/HG bot that somehow bridges the Secret passage to Courtyard expanse like a “REPEATER”… Can intake HP bowled Boulders and somehow force them under Low goal engineered to get bowled boulders and expel under low goal to High Shooter.

So so far Castle is weakened by 3 in auto so 5 more bowled boulders (HP- Specialty- HIGH Shooter) will weaken it

In the Meantime the Tank Bot/HG specialist works on destroying defenses.

After Castle is Weakened the Specialty bot destroys the low goal

Getting Breach Points in combo with at least three from Tank Bot

All Three then Scale. Achieving Max score +4RP per game

I’m convinced some team will find that specialty bot to allow a repeated bowl to a High Point shooter (Most efficient reliable supply of boulders at least three from HP and any scored on you)—this years modular ramp bot

All-in-all, the fastest way to score the most points, is to have all robots score 20 points, breach the defenses, score an unbelievable amount of High Goals, and have all robots scale the tower. If all 3 robots can score like our robot (1073) is predicted to, the alliance will score 25-30 High Goals on a good day.

Easy. Follow the points.

  1. Nail autonomous. Put your robots through different defenses.
  2. Quickly carry boulders through a variety of defenses. Between auto and teleop, bring 2 balls through each of the five defenses and score them high.
  3. Continue scoring boulders quickly. Preferably through the high goal, probably through the low bar for minimum cycle time.
  4. Have all three robots at least challenge, and preferably scale the tower.

Let’s clarify that you do not have to bring a boulder through a defense to weaken it.

True, but while you’re on that side you may as well drop a present into the tower–that’s -1 strength to the tower, and +2 or +5 points to you.