Favorite Genres of music?

I’m just curious as to what other FIRST friends musical tastes are. Ohh do share:D


I think you know mine, you just posted in that thread. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t stick to genres, just whatever sounds good, really. Eminem, Maroon 5, Linkin Park, Paramore, those classics that EVERYONE knows(Eye of the Tiger, Livin’ On a Prayer, etc), and a lot of really mainstream stuff. I do love me my dubstep.

OH! And wrock. Wizard Rock for Harry Potter nerds like me B)

Progressive metal, acid jazz, electro swing, alternative hip-hop/rap, funk, and alternative rock. I listen to pretty much everything, save for gospel and classical.

If it exists, I have probably heard it or something related to it. However, I do go bonkers for progressive/psychedelic/post/krautrock, jazz, electronic music, mashups and trashy pop stuff.

What’s your favorite zydeco artist? Have any good DSBM suggestions? I just love people who listen to “pretty much everything.” :wink:

I can’t say I listen to “everything” by definition, but what would I do otherwise? List all of the genres I don’t listen to or enjoy?

Classic rock, hair metal (80’s rock), rock, some alternative, and classical music. I like pretty much any kind of music, but these are my favorites.

Categorize your taste as “eclectic” or yourself as “open-minded.” There are many other descriptors that fit more accurately, as well.

I try and keep my mind and my ears open… but my most listened to genres are:
Classic Rock
Latin Pop (lived in Mexico too long :slight_smile: )
Latin Rock (Big fan of Elefante)
90s rap/ hip hop

My Ipod could be classified as a blender, one moment Liquid Stranger, the next Average White Band.

i gotta stick with rock, and classic rock, oh, and a little MC Hammer (you cant touch this), Boston, AC-DC, Metallica,and John Melencamp

Fair enough.