Favorite shopping???

What are your favorite places for parts? We are a rookie team.

Thank you

Ace Hardware, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, and occasionally an auto parts store.

Online…McMaster Carr, Andymark, VexPro, Digikey, Online Metals, Amazon…

http://www.vexrobotics.com/vexpro both are excellent places to get frc specific parts. They also have stellar customer support.

For game controllers if you have a little extra money check out Saitek, Mad Catz, and Razer. If you can’t afford them stick with Logitech cause it takes a lot of use for logitech controllers to start being poor.

This master thread from 2014 might help:

It’s from 2004, but a lot of those suppliers probably still exist. After all, it’s a pinned thread in Technical Discussion.

The replies above are probably more relevant for the less obscure parts though.

A major benefit of AndyMark is: If you get a part from them, it is virtually guaranteed that it is a legal part.