I’m entirely aware that individual programming languages are used for entirely different things than others, and each has their pros/cons. This poll is not about the “best” programming language as there is none, it’s about the language you’ve had the most fun/productivity/etc with.
I also realize that there’s not enough space the fit every programming language, not to mention that some are compiled and some interpreted. Please choose other and explain in a post if you don’t see yours
I have not worked all too much with programing the robot but I have experience with many languages. I find labview easiest to work with to do mathematical equations for my own use. I chose java if I want to have results put on a website. For robotics use I prefer C.
I voted PHP, because that’s the programming language I’m most acquainted with.
I can tinker with Javascript and C++, but only because of stuff I’ve learned through PHP. (I even fixed a few glitches in our Overdrive robot thanks to it).
And I was originally a little confused as to how the percentages could total more than 100%, and then I realized it was because of the multiple choice thing.
My favorite programming language is Tcl/Tk. It has minimal syntax which doesn’t get in the way. It provides high-level support for lots of things like networking, virtual filesystems, database connectivity, GUI creation and event handling, etc. I have written entire web applications using Tcl only.
I voted for Pascal for sentimental reasons (it needed a vote.) It was the first I learned in school and that instructor taught me more about proper programming method that all the other teachers I had.
Alan Anderson: My favorite programming language is Tcl/Tk. It has minimal syntax which doesn’t get in the way. It provides high-level support for lots of things like networking, virtual filesystems, database connectivity, GUI creation and event handling, etc. I have written entire web applications using Tcl only.
Add me to the TCL list, and I’ve also written web applications using Tcl. I have used TCL for about 17 years at this point. Philip Greenspun’s book and AOLServer got me hooked on doing websites. Very cool stuff.
basicxman: Oh man I forgot COBOL and tcl, there’s also some rarely used goodies like postscript, eiffel, lua, awk and forth. I almost forgot Java too
If it’s a one off I’ll use Awk. The nice thing about Awk is it’s tiny so for years I could walk around with a 3.5" floppy with Awk on it and program any place I needed.
One often cited complaint about the APL language is the ability to write an entire program in one line of code, with the (perhaps intended) effect that the resulting code is neither readable nor maintainable, even by the original author.
You should have included labview in your poll. It’s a pretty neat tool, and very useful in the field it specializes in (testing, data acquisition, etc). I enjoy labview because of the gui elements it involves. I enjoy C (not++) for the simplicity.
Long long before micro processors where born, long long before the PC was invented, before Cobol, before Fortran, before C there was Assembly.
It was the first language I ever learned. All the others seem convoluted, and cumbersome by comparrision. Nothing like the really SMALL and FAST code you get from Assembly.
I still write mission critical, time, speed and resources sensitive system level functions in assembly code today. It’s the only way to fly.
Why yes I do. I have a few boxes left from a prior life and I use them as note cards. They don’t easily tear, they are the perfect size for a shirt pocket when folded in half and take ink and pencil very well.