I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to hook a fax machine up to a cellphone and use the cell number as the Fax number. This way we could get scouting sheets into the pits in no time flat. i was thinking if maybe there was a way to use the headset jack to transfer the data to the fax machine, but im not sure how id go about doing that.
any ideas?
I’ve heard of it working when you connect the fax machine to the computer and then attach the cell phone to the computer to use as a modem. Try Googling ‘cell phone fax’.
FAX??!?!?!??!?!?!:eek: :eek:
As in, like, paper, and non-editable analog format? ZOMG!!
Why don’t you just hook up your cell phone to your laptop as a BT-DUN device, and use email. Or if you don’t want to use the internet (some people don’t feel comfortable doing this due to the FIRST rule), you can BT-DUN to your laptop an using a Fax program an recieve a real ugh fax.
ok i know this has nothing to do with faxing through a cellphone but i’ve heard that if you forget your car keys for the car and have another pair (with the little remote thing) at home, you can call someone at home with your cellphone to theirs and they can unlock the car with the remote through the cellphone.
Any one know if this is true?
I’m guessing… no. As far as I know, car remotes don’t use sonic control. Correct me if I’m wrong?
^ seriously doubt it. unless your cellphone can transmit that certain “message” to make it unlock, in which case you wouldnt need the extra key at home in the first place.
I doubt it. For this to happen, one cell phone would have to act as a receiver and the other as a transmitter. Cell phones have transceivers built in, but they’re meant for the cellular or PCS bands, which are nowhere close to your standard garage opener bands (I’m assuming these are 27, 49, or 900 MHz). Second, the cell phone would have to be listening for these transmissions.
Eventually you’ll probably see cell phones which are able to replace your key entirely.
I have this great bridge I’m trying to sell…
Nope, doesn’t work.
I had a friend locked out of his truck after a concert one night, and had heard about the cell phone trick.
We called his house, and after about 20 minutes of calling, his wife finally woke up. We went through all of that trouble to find out that the truck was still in fact locked, the trick didn’t work.
FALSE, according to TruthorFiction.com. Car remotes usually use radio waves, not the sound waves emitted by a cell phone speaker.
Our team uses cell phones for scouting, something like this: During the matches, team members sit in the stands filling out scouting sheets. They hand the scouting sheets to someone with a laptop for data entry. About the middle of Saturday morning, we stop scouting, the data is tabulated, and we decide which teams would make our best partners. The team captain gets the list. Cell phones are only used to discuss any last-minute changes. The only other equipment we may need would be extra batteries for the laptop.
The CellDock will work, although at almost $300 for the pair and cables it’s not a cheap solution. There are other similar devices on the market, search for “cell” and “pots adapter” (POTS is the acronym for the public switched wired telephone system). They are most commonly used by people that need to hook up a credit card reader at some sort of portable event.
And cell service in the GA Dome and World Congress Center can be questionable…
Personally I’d try to work on a solution that used a couple of laptops and cell phones as modems, insead of hardcopy fax.
Free and easy… set up in minutes!
I had a friend of mine who had a remote starter (not keyless entry) added to this truck. When he parked his truck halfway up the street (and out of the range of the remote starter), he was unable to start it after about a dozen tries. When one of us walked down the street to the truck with a cell phone, and once the call was established, we were able to start the truck about 90% of the time with the remote starter. :yikes:
I still can’t believe we were able to do it, as I still cannot figure out how it was possible. But regardless of how it was possible, we were able to do it repeatedly with the same results when using cell phones, so there has to be a scientific explanation or phenomenon at work here. (Either that, or we were extremely lucky with our results!)
Where’s Grant? This sounds like a good case for Mythbusters!
For the fax thing… how about an audio link like they used in the 80s where you put your telephone into a microphone/speaker thing hooked up to the computer… maybe you can do the same with your fax machine? granted this only runs about 4800 baud… :rolleyes:
Did you try it from a few miles away?
Dream on! :yikes: “Back in the 80s” we would have loved to have 4800 baud! Those old acoustic handset modems only ran at 300 baud on a good day! :eek: